Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tiger Woods Returning
LowCostTravel uses Bed Car.......
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Jiffy Lube partners up with Heart Disease Awareness
Alleged Photo of a Beaten Rihanna
Do you think it's a good idea for her photo to be on display?
Tropicana's $35 Million Redesign Scrapped
As a life long Tropicana drinker, this past weekend while making a stop at the grocery store I admit even I was taken aback by the new packaging. It’s far from subtle and pretty jolting to the consumer familiar with the orange being punctured with a straw logo. The new packaging is far more contemporary and doesn’t even slightly resemble any previous conception of Tropicana so I’m not surprised it was panned by the public.
Instances like this show that a lack of research and connecting with the public can be extremely costly. As someone pursuing brand imaging, it’s interesting to see what flops and what excells. Taking brands with notable and recognizable logos, like Tropicana, and completely revamping them is unnecessary and risky. There are better ways to make changes and stay relevant, one the best I’ve seen recently was Pepsi. They made subtle changes but not so drastic that their product and brand were completely unrecognizable to their consumers.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Engaging online knows no limits
It is easy to post your opinions on blogs and other social networking pages, however it is also easy to make a lasting inappropriate face for yourself. Ketchem PR made that slip up recently, but luckily their client was forgiving.
This article gives social networking tips that Ketchum employees are trained with when publishing your words on the Web (a lot of which many of us should read and apply to our networking world). To see tips click on link provided.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
American Express at Fashion Week
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Big Gains for Big Game Advertising?
The study produced information that showed which companies received the most social buzz from the advertisements, and if they continued to sustain that buzz. Overall, the story aims at the importance of incorporating traditional media and event marketing with some brand identification that stirs up discussions on Twitter,YouTube and MySpace. Take a look at the original
Innovative Website Speeds Up Air Communications for Public
A new Web site,, is changing the pace of aviation news. The Web site is the creation of Dave Pascoe, a Boston-area Internet site executive, radio enthusiast and pilot who's melded his hobbies into a worldwide network that allows visitors to listen in on pilot-tower transmissions live or after-the-fact.
The site played a major role in the Buffalo crash last week when the radioed conversation exchange between the Buffalo tower and a plane nearing the airport radio beacon known as "Klump" was captured just after the crash, and was quickly posted to the LiveATC site.Because they were captured by a network of amateur radio and aviation enthusiasts, they aired far sooner than any federal agency would typically release a recording or transcript related to last week's crash that killed 49 people aboard the plane and one in the home the plane hit. The recordings show there was no mayday call. They heard other nearby pilots discussing ice on their wings.
After nearly six years in operation, the site now monitors air traffic at between 230 and 250 airports in the United States, Japan, South Africa, Europe and Australia.Pascoe has organized the computers that support his site to group the flood of incoming recordings in 30-minute blocs. After hearing about the 10:20 p.m. Buffalo crash, he went back to the 10 p.m. segment and chained together audio from different receivers, editing out dead space. It was on the air within hours.
My question is a matter of translation. Does this Web site offer insight to the possibility that soon the federal government will no longer have control over what media sources or average individuals know about aviation communication and traffic? It is known that the creation of the World Wide Web opened endless unpredictable possibilities to our world, and that the evolution of the Internet is both inevitable and unstoppable? And, finally, are we seeing that the government cannot control even the most major bits of news from being shared without their consent?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Facebook Handles TOS Debacle Swiftly
The Role of Public Relations in Today's Economy
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Communications help aid the familes of a pirate- hijacked tanker
Is Twitter going to charge for its services?
Stone responded to media speculation that the microblogging service would begin to charge companies – some of which have dozens of employees using the service for corporate purposes – for its services. Stone explained that Twitter may roll out revenue-based products this year.
What Twitter is thinking about doing is adding value in places where they are already seeing traction, not imposing fees on existing services. They are still very early in on the idea and do not have any breaking news on this idea despite recent speculation. Stone did clarify, however, that people, companies, celebrities- everyone will be able to use Twiiter's services for free.
Companies such as Dell speculated that if the company became something that it isn't today- a free microblogging tool – and it becomes a paid advertising platform, then it's in a different category, and they would need to evaluate the use of its service differently.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The cow says moo. The Shaq says "tweet"
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
PR Doesn't Have Great PR
PR is essential in many functions of modern life and basic communication. For example, when we think of PR we think of Corporate PR, but we often forget about those that do PR for non-profits or non-governmental organizations. Journalists are a group of people that depend heavily on "flacks." According to several studies, many newspapers use press releases to fill approximately half of their news stories.
Evaluating PR efforts can be a bit difficult due to other contributing factors, but this has not stopped it from becoming a growing industry. A bad reputation follows PR, but it can help citizens in a free society to convey ideas.
Sirius XM is Looking to Have Some Serious Problems
Sirius XM, the only radio satellite people have, is going through some serious money problem. They are highly in debt right now and may be looking to file for bankruptcy. This could cause some problems for their shareholders and off course Howard Stern himself.
There are over 20 million people who are subscribers to Sirius XM and they have nothing to worry about. There is a bigger chance that someone will take over what Sirius has created and keep on with the process. They will have to think of ways to make some sort of money, but listeners will still have their satellite radio.
The bad news comes for the investors. With the company in such bad debt there is no doubt that if Sirius has to file for bankruptcy then the investors will be wiped out. The only other option for Sirius right now would be to sell the company. They have already had an offer from Ergen and they turned it down. DirecTV could buy them, but CEO Mel Karmazin, is not looking to sell. He believes they can get out of this somehow. He has no interest in having someone buy him out and work for them. He would prefer for someone to give him the money to help the company out and be in the background.
Two of the biggest companies in the live music business, Ticketmaster and Live Nation, are planning what is going to be a very costly merger for musicians and fans. The companies who already own the rights of stars such as Madonna, Guns N’ Roses and The Eagles are about to own an even larger portion of the shrinking pie that has become the music business. The worst part about this is that those who make up the heart of the industry, the artists and the fans, are the ones who are going to be hit the worst.
When an artist goes on tour the promoter typically asks for a share of the revenue generated by live performance, merchandise and, sometimes, recorded music. If this merger goes through then that means these two companies get to call all the shots when it comes how much of the proceeds they think they deserve.
The same goes for the fans when they go to purchase their tickets. The prices will be set by this mega corporation and if you want to see the show, then there really is no wiggle room, other than third party ticket sales which are almost always higher priced. Let’s just hope they don’t get greedy, right?
Ticketmaster just recently suffered a PR blow when Springstein fired off at them for redirecting his fans to a different promoter that resells tickets for higher prices. Chief executive, Irving Azoff, issued and apology and promised refunds to fans.
From my perspective, it’s hard to understand what these companies are thinking from a public relations standpoint. The public’s perception of this merger is clearly not good, because it hurts the consumer. So why do these companies make such drastic moves when they know their consumer is not going to be happy?
Artists and fans have already put forth ideas to counterbalance the big corporation’s efforts, for instance asking fans for donations on their websites and steering clear from the large venues and ticket promoters when they go on tour.
Bottom line, if these giants de-harmonize the relationships with their clients and consumers, they had better be prepared to hold their own, because in the end artists and fans will continue to find more alternative ways to share their musical experiences.
Monday, February 9, 2009
R&B Golden Boy Suffers Consequences of a Tarnished Reputation
Since the alleged assault, Brown’s Doublement Gum endorsement deal with Wringley has been suspended until the situation is resolved.
Brown has been a squeaky-clean pop icon since he stepped on the music scene. As such a prominent young star in a business that’s losing more money than it makes it’s no surprise that this domestic disturbance has everyone talking. Brown’s newly tarnished image can hurt him with not only the loss of endorsement deals but also the loss of his fan base.
Not only is the media picking up the story, but social networking sites as well. Anyone can log into Facebook and see at least one status dedicated to Brown’s arrest. Take a look at Rihanna’s myspace and you’ll see her fans rallied around her with words of support telling her to stay strong among other things.
The question now is how does Brown’s record company salvage his previously viewed good reputation?
“The music industry, they'll circle the wagons and protect him," said Respected hip-hop historian and journalist Dave "Davey D" Cook. "They'll spin the story and even go out after the victim which is happening now with Rihanna, who is catching heat from people accusing her of snitching."
Ethics are often compromised in the world of PR, but in the case of such an influential pop star with a younger fan base like Brown this is not healthy or setting a good example on the part of the industry. Hopefully, Brown’s people will do the right thing and encourage Brown to accept responsibility for his alleged actions and not just try to protect their cash cow.
"Newspapers fight negative perceptions in new ads"
Ad Council and Family Violence Prevention Fund Launch Innovative Campaign to Prevent Digital Dating Abuse Among Teens
Digital media and social networking are very prevelant in today's society, especially among the youth. Educating and bringing awareness to young people about potiental harm on website such as Myspace and Facebook is greatly needed. This program gives young kids the skills to recognize behavior that is not appropriate. These skills can also transfer over into traditional media too.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Patron launches a high-end vodka
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Dark Knight Goes Ballistic
Transition into a Digital World
It turns out their main problem might be a result from their poor ad and public relations exposure. The CEO of NBC Universal, Jeff Zucker states that there is a tremendous amount of loss revenues because now-a-days because of the transition from the analog world into the digital revolution. He says that the economic problems are a “double whammy” for the media world because they have to go through not only the economic downfall but this recent transition and change in media that is shaping the future of America.
I think agree with Zucker in that traditional media is becoming scarcer. The sales of newspaper subscriptions are diminishing. I think newspapers need to think of a way to make money online or come up with an incentive for people to continue their subscriptions. It will be interesting to see what will happen in the next ten even five years from now.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Smart Software Can Now Find a Target Crowd
The technology is still relatively young, and its effectiveness has yet to be seen. However, by combining the tasks of creating lists, and cross-referencing their bylines, one can be sure to save a lot of time. Find the article @
Monday, February 2, 2009
A Digital Wake Up Call for PR
Also, the readership level will increase because these days most people use the Internet and cell phones to access information whether it be for entertainment or news purposes. So, if the PR industry wants to stay up with the times and look for another option before calling it quits, then it's time to log on and create a digital publication.