Thursday, September 30, 2010
Bump. A social media for your license plate?
Wired magazine covers, a new social media platform, uses license plate recognition technology to allow drivers to connect with each-other.
"The license plate has never given the consumer anything," said Mitchell Thrower, creator of Bump
What I would like to know, is why would I want to connect with people I share the road with?
Don't shake your POM Poms Just Yet
Watch out Steve Jobs, you have a 'Frenemy'!
This is what she had to say:
"Mr. Jobs, I humbly ask why Apple is so wonderfully attentive to the needs of students, whether it be with the latest, greatest invention or the company's helpful customer service line, and yet, ironically, the Media Relations Department fails to answer any of my questions, which are, as I have repeatedly told them, essential to my academic performance."
His response:
"Our goals do not include helping you get a good grade. Sorry."
There has been some skeptisism aboout this story and Apple has not confirmed or denied the email exchange. Issacs', the self-proclaimed "Frenemy" of Jobs, has received a lot of media attention and even a few internship offers as a result of her story.
Steve Jobs' 'Frenemy' Strikes Back
Facebook wants to stay friends
Twitter: A VERY inexpensive, real-time focus group
In April 2010, Performics and ROI Research found that 33% of Twitter users share opinions about companies or products at least once per week. More so, 32% make recommendations while 30% seek guidance and direction.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
How to compete with Apple. recently published the ways Apple continuously dominates the media.
1. Never promise something you can't deliver
2. Make sure presentations/press conferences are well organized and engaging
3. Products are aesthetically pleasing
4. All products are cohesive in design/format
These reasons ensure consumers will bite at any media coverage concerning the Apple brand.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
E-Bullying: Not Just for Kids
Segway Company Owner Dies
I found it very ironic that this death occurred because the company was researching ways to make the segway safer. Segway, obviously, now has to do some crisis management in order to preserve the validity and safety of their product.
Read more at:
The Death of Print Ads
They believe that the loss is due not only to the recession, but to the shift of readers to the Internet and electronic devices to get their news. This movement to the Internet leads advertisers to spend more money on digital ads.
Times Co. has stayed optimistic and believe that print ads are not "dead" in our society. They think that people will continue to read and subscribe to their newspapers for years to come. The readers who subscribe to the traditional newspaper are of an older generation that enjoy the traditional means of getting their news.
I think that Times Co. should invest more in their Internet advertising and focus on building their Web site. Digital ads, in my opinion, are going to take over and replace print ads. The advancement in technology provides readers with interactive, flashy, high graphic digital ads that are hard to ignore. Digital ads seem to be more effective in getting their message to their intended audience. It is only a matter of time before people will get their news only from their phones and Internet.
Is the death of print ads upon us?
Futuristic living room becomes reality
This must-have will cost roughly $500,000. The TV measures 4 yards in width and 61/2 feet in height. Imagine having 1,350 pounds of technology in your home, which equals the weight of a dairy cow. Delivery may serve a problem, considering the TV may not fit through the front door, let alone an elevator for business use.
The simulated chairs and 3D display help the viewer feel like they are inside the film. The chairs cost about $7,500, and $8,000 for a couch. These comfy devices shake, vibrate and tilt slightly for entertainment purposes and won't cause a headache.
In addition to the chairs and new big screen, it is essential the sound meets the same top quality. Speakers hooked up with microphones is the solution to premium surround sound. Steve Colburn, product developer at Triad Speakers, said the best speakers would be installed in a giant meadow, but if they're in a boxed living room, they don't sound so good. The speakers hooked up to microphones creates a cleaner sound, without noise bouncing around making a mess of noise.
It's up to you, is this futuristic living room worth the price?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Google Music Store vs. iTunes
Do you think Google music will be a threat iTunes?
Read more:
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Universities Using Location Apps
Bastrop police chief charged with second DWI
Has MTV's Jersey Shore and True Life, I'm Addicted to Meds reality show gone too far?
Is this the type of material suitable for potentially unmonitored children who may be tuning in? Have the guide lines gotten too flexible in what should and shouldn't be censored? Is MTV tarnishing their image by airing these reality shows? Is MTV basically laying out an instruction manual on the way to properly consume drugs? Or, is MTV attempting to raise awareness about an important and real issue by showing the harmful consequences of abusing prescription drugs?These are all questions that may arise from concerned parents wanting answers.
Another popular reality series, Jersey Shore, began in the summer of 2009 and reached 1.3 million viewers on its debut with the finale bringing in more than 4 million viewers. The show captures the wild lives of eight Italian "guidos" and "guidettes" as they party at the Jersey Shore. If one were to evaluate the reoccurring theme in Jersey Shore, one might conclude the main focus is sex.
On one episode, Snookie, a cast member of the show, hooks up with a random guy a couple nights after hooking up with, Vinny, her roommate. This is another example in determining whether MTV is crossing the line on what is appropriate and what is not. The concern may lie in whether this highly-watched channel is going too far on what is shown on their network. MTV may be sending the wrong message to young viewers who account for their main audience. Should MTV executives start reconsidering what image the channel is trying to condone? How desensitized has society become?
This is an article from about Jersey Shore, and if you read some of the comments made, most of the input is negative against the show.
This is the episode of MTVs True Life, I'm Addicted to Meds
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Volkswagen Plants Audio Ad in Print Newspaper
When I first glanced at the headline to this article, I had to do a double take. I was surprised to read that Volkswagen placed an audio advertisement in a print newspaper in India. I'm sure readers felt the same way when they heard audio after unfolding The Times of India this morning.
The newspaper carried an advertisement for Volkswagen on the last page that looked just like a regular print ad, but as soon as people turned to the last page of the newspaper, the ad would start talking by itself.
Volkswagen paid the publication to fit an audio chip inside the pages that plays in an endless loop until you close the paper, according to tech blog Digital Inspiration. The chip is powered by a photo detector that converts light into current or voltage.
According to online reactions from twitter and facebook most people seem to have been left impressed by Volkswagen’s marketing. Although, the ad did create some confusion at one of the airports as Lakshmipathy Bhat points out. He tweeted that "Volkswagen ad with audio chip caused a minor scare among the trolley crew in Bangalore Airport. Unclaimed paper with noise -- staff were nervy."
Moulin Parikh tweeted, “One of those rare days when ppl in #mumbai will buy times of india to see (also hear) the Volkswagen advertisement and not for news.”
Volkswagon's marketing technique or rather publicity stunt has definitely made a buzz.
Check out the video showing the audio ad in the paper.
Security Flaw Scares Twitter Users
It is undetermined as to how dangerous the malfunction is. It could simply be taking users to sites they don't want to visit. It has been said that the problem could also be gaining personal information from the users computer, such as financial records and personal information. Before it was officially declared to be fixed Tuesday morning, the problem had already reached several high profile people.
Twitter is still unsure of the origin of the security problem.
Monday, September 20, 2010
U.S. News Media Group Releases 2010 Ranking of World's Best Universities
U.S. News Media Group today released the third annual edition of the World's Best Universities rankings. The 2010 World's Best rankings include colleges and universities across the globe. They conducted this ranking because there seems to be a growing interest of students that want to attend institutions abroad. I think it's a great resource for prospective students. It also reminds students that there are many outstanding universities outside the U.S. that they may have not even thought about.
The way U.S. News ranked the world's institutions is different from the U.S. News Best College rankings, the World's Best Universities rates universities on factors such as the proportion of international faculty and the proportion of international students.
This helps students compare institutions and gives them useful information to compare the best schools worldwide. It is definitely useful for not only students, but also employers to have a comparison of the top universities. For an outstanding education there is always the option of studying internationally.
To determine the 2010 rankings, six distinct indicators of excellence were evaluated, including:
1. Academic Peer Review
2. Employer Review
3. Student-to-Faculty Ratio
4. Proportion of International Faculty
5. Proportion of International Students
6. and Citations per Faculty Member.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Bane of BP's Twitter Existence Revealed
Friday, September 17, 2010
Taking PR Hits on Social Media
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Does Axe Need to Clean Up Its Act?
Axe's "Clean your balls" commercial
The Seattle Times talked about the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood has recently written letters of complaint to Unilever (who also owns Dove) to restrict this "sexism." Some people who look at Unilever as a company say that the way the women are treated in Dove commercial and the way they are treated in Axe commercials needs to be addressed because it is somewhat hypocritical in the messages they both send out. Click here to read more about this article.
I am personally not very conservative but I can see how people would be disgusted. It's not discreet in it's message and it's very targeted to one specific audience and doesn't seem to care that it might offend others. In this day and age it's hard to not use humor in advertising because it's a very strong way to get your message across to the masses. It's a powerful tool in marketing and advertising and they made a smart move by making it viral as soon as possible. I'm not a huge fan of this commercial personally, but I can't help but laugh. I'm sure the PR people at Axe have their hands full right now making sure the image of Axe isn't tainted too badly. After a company uses campaigns like this I'm sure they're glad they have someone to protect their image.
Rumor has it that the Axe commercial had an original commercial that was longer and more "ballsy." Apparently it got canned after one day of airing, but this still provided Axe with plenty of advertising after people's curiosity.
Original "banned" commercial
Previous Axe campaigns
Apps and Adults
I have not joined the app craze, but I do know if my cell phone is app friendly. I am sad to say that I have not fully embraced the constantly changing, fast-paced world of iPhone, apps and the social media obsession. Yes, i know its time to jump in, but I like my simple phone with no apps. My phone makes and receives calls, text messages and I can get on the internet and pretty much do whatever. Don't worry, I am on Facebook and Twitter, but I'm not constantly checking it or updating. I would consider being more involved, but my excuse for now is my lack of free time.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Shoe Ads for... Women?
The ads feature women's body parts, never focusing on the actual woman wearing the shoes. The single commercial that features a woman talking about the specified shoe does little better to remedy this, and in fact the commercial's vantage point is from the camera"man" and "he" doesn't seem to be able to focus on what the woman is saying. The camera ends up on the woman's backside more than a few times during the commercial.
Online women's blogs have taken the story and, no pun intended, ran with it. Our Bodies, Our Blog wrote a piece about the EasyTone shoe, and were not in favor of the marketing. Women's blog Jezebel also condemns Reebok's commercials. The Jezebel link above gives a much better description of how women felt about the commercials than I can.
New Balance took a slightly different approach to targeting women for women's shoes. The truebalance collection commercial features a woman jogging through a park when she meets a man. The man is so distracted by her "fitness" shoes that he can't look up at her face. The next jogger, sporting New Balance's truebalance shoe, catches the man's attention, and he fully "checks her out." Women are still being objectified, but in a way that would make us actually go out and buy the shoe.
Advertising has taken a new level when it comes to women objectification. I am very interested to see the results from Reebok's EasyTone advertising venture.
Monday, September 13, 2010
It was Twitter with the Revolver in the Library.
Dumenco still believes that the press release will still vaguely be around for a few years, due to the PR pros being so partial to them. However, he claims that they will pay the price for ignoring the deadly Twitter just as BP has.
In my opinion, as much as I hate to admit it, I think he's right. BP has been brutally punished for ignoring Twitter. They literally have been made fools of across the Twitter screen and are now just a common punch line. Social media is revolutionizing the business, yet its sad that in a little over a hundred years what first revolutionized the industry is now becoming a second choice. It makes me wonder what will replace Twitter in the next hundred years?
Handle Social Networking with Care: Facebook Updates Lead to Series of Burglaries
'The Media Is the Enemy,' and Other Dangerous Notions to Disavow
Here are a few DONT'S:
repeate negatives
nod "yes" or saying "uh-huh" to indicate you understand the question
say "no comment" or speak from personal opinion
lose your temper or mention previous negative coverage
ask which parts of the interview will be used
ask if you can see the article before it goes to print
2010 MTV VMA Twitter Tracker App
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
PR+Social Media
This article gives really good insight from about 14 PR pros in the industry. They talk about what is good about social media and what has limited PR in the social media world. Definitely a good resource for future PR pros to read.
The Future of Public Relations and Social Media
I HIGHLY recommend students read this article even if it's just to get good sources to follow on Twitter :)
You're Too Old to Play
I believe Apple left the older generations off on purpose so that the Apple consumers would have no option but to get buy the new devices. I think it will be interesting to see if more people purchase the an updated version of their device to be able to access Game Center. Honestly, I don't see that happening.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Smoking Hot Controversy Over Scientific Study
For information follow the link below:
The Web Is Dead.
After reading the story, I really started to think about it. In this age of technology the web is taken for granted. Being able to open a browser and surf around is considered old news. Over the last few years the integration of single-platform apps have taken a strong foot-hold in our daily lives.
Anderson says " You wake up and check your email on your bedside iPad — that’s one app. During breakfast you browse Facebook, Twitter, and The New York Times — three more apps...You’ve spent the day on the Internet — but not on the Web. And you are not alone."
Monday, September 6, 2010
"Man, PR looks cooler on TV"
Critics Skeptical About Apple's Ping
On Sep. 1, Steve Jobs announced Apple’s new music-based social network, Ping, at Apple’s fall keynote. While this news might seem like a good idea to most music artists and fans, some people are skeptical of Ping’s ability to succeed in today’s saturated world of social networks.
Although Ping has already reached over 1 million users -- within 48 hours following its launch -- critics say that one of Ping’s toughest obstacles will be competing with Facebook. Many online users have already chosen Facebook and Twitter as their go-to site to spend their time. Ping has a long way to go to catch up to Facebook’s 500 million users., an online technology publication, listed 10 reasons why Apple’s Ping network won’t work. Here is a summary:
2. Buzz should be a lesson
3. Full Facebook integration would be nice
4. Speaking of Facebook – it’s a titan
5. Specialized services rarely do well
6. Growing pains
7. Success is a relative term
8. Artists will need to buy into it
9. The future isn’t in iTunes as users know it
10. It will get lost in the mobile noise
I think that a music-based social network is a great idea, even though it has already been attempted (MySpace Music,, Zune Social). Apple does have a bigger advantage, however, because of its large iTunes user base.
Click here for the full article.
James Cisneros