Tullamore Dew (Irish Whiskey) launched it's new multi million dollar global brand investment called True Irish.
In what is being called a radical departure for Irish whiskey, a new global TV and print campaign features striking images and charismatic characters, evoking the true spirit of the Irish. It's being touted as both poetic and rebellious.
The campaign features posters, wall art and digital roll-out in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Philadelphia, supported by under-the-radar events, bringing to life the Irish True Spirit. The stunning new packaging is scheduled for introduction in mid-2012.
It's a interesting article because with shows like Boardwalk Empire, you get very influential and relatable Irish characters and back story. Also with the current trendsetting whiskey Jameson, I can see why Tullamore Dew is willing to shell out extra cash to bank on the new trend.
Click here for the article.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
PRSA modernizes PR
PRSA has decided to modernize its definition of public relations. Due to shifts in technology, the communication externally and internally has caused the question of what actually is PR. Here is the most recent definition of PR:
Public Relations is the professional discipline that ethically fosters mutually beneficial relationships among social entities.
Since last updated in 1982, PRSA has partnered with many organizations to provide input and modernize the face of PR. They have also opened up the discussion to the public through twitter, blogs and mainstream articles. Some professionals want greater involvement and ownership of the definition, and want a definition they can own. Therefore, PRSA is collaborating all definitions and are compiling them on their website to create a better understanding for everyone.
Sending "Cheer" to Military Families
Cheerios and the USO have teamed up to support military families and thank them for their commitment to their country. This fall, specially marked boxes of Cheerios cereal will feature "Cheer" postcards, which can be cut out and mailed to military families through the USO. Cheerios has also agreed to donate $1 for every post card received to the USO programs that help support military families. All you have to do is.....
.....Locate a specially marked Cheerios cereal box in your grocery store. After purchasing the box, there are just 3 easy steps!
- Cut out the postcard found on the front of the box. You will see cut out lines around the "Cheer" in the Cheerios logo.
- On the back-side of the postcard, write a message of encouragement or a simple "thank you."
- Add postage, and drop the pre-addressed post card in the mail.
I think this is an easy and simple way to get involved and to thank military men and women for the sacrifice they have made, all you have to do is buy some cereal and cut out a post card.
PRSA plans to redefine "public relations"
Statement made by PRSA
"Our goal is simple: to develop a modern definition for the new era of public relations. Our aim is to help key audiences and stakeholders better understand the role of public relations and its value to the public and business community."
Entries are being accepted now and follow a simple structure:
Public relations [DOES WHAT] with/for [WHO] to [DO WHAT] for [WHAT PURPOSE].
Thursday, November 17, 2011
National 'Unfriend Day'
On Novenber 17, 2010, Jimmy Kimmel created the 'National Unfriend Day,' for those who want to clean their Facebook house. Today many of people are unfriending people who they don't really keep up with or are just simply annoyed by the baheavior of some friends on Facebook.
Here are a few Facebook habits that my get you unfriended, according to Jimmy Kimmel:
Tagging people in every other status update… this includes cutesy games, which are amusing the first 5 or 10 times you see them… but after a while, they really wear thin.
Clicking on every clickjack scam and viral photo out there, which then directs junk mail and viruses to everyone on your F-list. This is more serious, because it makes even your sweet (but naive) Aunt Flo a candidate for the axe.
Being a drama junkie. Status updates like "Why do I even bother? I have had it!" and "I'm so over this [expletive of the moment]. You know who you are!" are simply cries for attention from people who take advantage of that little update button.
Posting a link to every You Tube video you find that repeats your current iPod playlist. Honestly, if you're in an '80s Glam Rock mood, keep it to yourself. Really.
Game-related spam. I used to have issues with this one. Thanks to a successful recovery program (which I affectionately call Lent, 2011), I've weaned myself away from the worst of them.
Source: Yahoo News
Here are a few Facebook habits that my get you unfriended, according to Jimmy Kimmel:
Tagging people in every other status update… this includes cutesy games, which are amusing the first 5 or 10 times you see them… but after a while, they really wear thin.
Clicking on every clickjack scam and viral photo out there, which then directs junk mail and viruses to everyone on your F-list. This is more serious, because it makes even your sweet (but naive) Aunt Flo a candidate for the axe.
Being a drama junkie. Status updates like "Why do I even bother? I have had it!" and "I'm so over this [expletive of the moment]. You know who you are!" are simply cries for attention from people who take advantage of that little update button.
Posting a link to every You Tube video you find that repeats your current iPod playlist. Honestly, if you're in an '80s Glam Rock mood, keep it to yourself. Really.
Game-related spam. I used to have issues with this one. Thanks to a successful recovery program (which I affectionately call Lent, 2011), I've weaned myself away from the worst of them.
Source: Yahoo News
Walmart ready to settle Netflix case
Walmart and Netflix conspired to inflate prices to rent and buy DVDs. Knowing they would abandon the DVD-by-mail market, Walmart agreed to turn over customers to Netflix and they would then promote Walmart as a place to buy DVDs. Walmart will settle 27.5 million without accepting fault. Netflix customers will be paid after all the lawyer fees and costs are covered. Unfortunately for customers that means a whole $1.50. If any Netflix customers do not want to receive their part of the settlement they will have to contact the court before February.
Facebook tracking EVERYONE on the Internet.
Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg are in the news for their tracking systems once again. According
to an article on Newser.com - Facebook now tracks any Internet user who comes across a Facebook page for up to 90 days.
Facebook says that they do not use this information for anything other than improvements
on its security system and user experience. Congressmen Ed Markey and Joe Barton, sent letters to Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, asking why Zuckerberg "applied for a patent on a method
of correlating tracking data and ads." Zuckerberg responded saying, "We patent lots of things."
Are you comfortable with the direction of Internet tracking systmes (Facebook specifically) and
do you believe that Facebook really uses this information from anyone who comes across a Facebook page just for the reasons they claim?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Occupy Seattle Protest
Recently an 84-year-old woman and a two-month pregnant teen were both pepper sprayed in the face during an Occupy Seattle Protest. Immediate outcries from concerned citizens started pouring out on Facebook, Twitter and blogs. From what has been deemed a peaceful protest by most, Seattle police were still using pepper spray on several protesters siting that they were blocking rush hour traffic and had been given ample warnings.
From a public relations stand point this is a nightmare. Seattle police are now going to come under more scrutiny than ever. The hard part will be justifying that an 84-year-old woman had become "violent" or "aggressive" enough to warrant such a reaction from police. How do you really explain that to the American public? With these protests becoming more common and more frequent how are police departments going to change protocol to handle these situations?
From a public relations stand point this is a nightmare. Seattle police are now going to come under more scrutiny than ever. The hard part will be justifying that an 84-year-old woman had become "violent" or "aggressive" enough to warrant such a reaction from police. How do you really explain that to the American public? With these protests becoming more common and more frequent how are police departments going to change protocol to handle these situations?
SceneTap comes to Austin
A new tech start-up called SceneTap, which originated in Chicago, is relocating to Austin. SceneTap offers a free night-life mobile app that "uses cameras equipped with anonymous facial detection technology to monitor crowds at select clubs."
The app then lists details such as "crowd size, male-to-female ratios and the average age of club-goers" and also lists bar deals and specials. The free app is available for both iPhone and Android users. Venues pay a subscription for SceneTap to install and use its equipment.
SceneTap currently staffs 15 people, and the company is looking to hire "five to 10 additional workers — mostly information technology positions — during the next three to four months and as many as 30 within a year," according to this article in the Austin American-Statesman.
The app then lists details such as "crowd size, male-to-female ratios and the average age of club-goers" and also lists bar deals and specials. The free app is available for both iPhone and Android users. Venues pay a subscription for SceneTap to install and use its equipment.
SceneTap currently staffs 15 people, and the company is looking to hire "five to 10 additional workers — mostly information technology positions — during the next three to four months and as many as 30 within a year," according to this article in the Austin American-Statesman.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Toys R Us Competing Plan
Toys R Us, a huge kids retail store, has decided to announce that they will be the earliest to open their doors for the Black-Friday sales event. They will be using this opportunity to welcome their customers and open their doors at 9 p.m. on Thanks giving, an entire day before Black Friday. Toys R Us also announced that they will be giving away a $50 gift card to those that purchase of any Apple iPod touch, LeapFrog Leapsters for $24.99, marked down 50% from the regular price, 40% off Ultimate Optimus Prime Transformers, which are usually $79.99 and 10 Squinkies packs for $10, which are regularly $2.49 each. They expect these tactics may help in putting them head of many of their competitors.
Amazon introduces the new Kindle Fire
On Monday, November 14, Amazon.com Inc. began shipping it's new Kindle Fire tablet in hopes that its new tailored software will help it compete with Apple's market-leading iPad. The tablet sells for $199 and contains several thousand apps including ones from Netflix Inc., Zynga Inc., IMDb movie database, Audible audio-book and Walt Disney Co.'s ESPN. It will also launch new features on the Pulse newsreader allowing consumers to send stories they read on Pulse to other apps on their Kindle.
With the iPad currently commanding 70% share of the tablet market, competing tablets such as Amazon's Kindle have realized the importance of being on the cutting edge of software. However, they are still constantly working on ways to improve hardware design as well. Next year, Amazon is expected to release another tablet computer with a touchscreen that is 9.7 inches in size to go head-to-head with the already 9.7 inch iPad.
Amazon has a particular interest in using this new software to sell more digital books and movies due to the fact that Amazon loses an average of $10 to $15 on each Kindle device sold. They hope that with these new apps that are only available on the Kindle, they can gain more customer interest and make up for their current shortfalls.
Increase in mobile recruiting
Online recruiting research lab Potentialpark is currently working on a study involving mobile recruiting.
Nineteen percent of job seekers stated they use their mobile device for career-related purposes, and more than 50% said they could imagine doing so. Only 7% of employers, however, have a mobile version of their career website and only 3% have a mobile job application. When questioned further, 75% of employers stated they were planning to have either a job app or mobile career website by September 2012
While I find mobile versions of most sites to be helpful, I can't say I completely see the need for companies to make the career portions of their websites available on mobile devices.
Parts of the idea are appealing: being able to see job openings for a specific company, receiving alerts about job openings near you or being able to see the status of your submitted application. These things would be convenient, yes, but 30% of job seekers polled also said they would like to be able to apply for jobs from their mobile device. It may just be me, but I'd like to put more work into an application for a job than I feel would be possible from a smartphone.
Monday, November 14, 2011
From blunder blossoms a comedian
If Perry is elected he will eliminate three federal agencies Co-co-commerce, um, uh, education and uh, um, I'm sorry I can't name the third....oops.
Last week's most embarrassing 'oops' by Rick Perry is desperately seeking a comeback through comedy. During a GOP presidential debate Perry fumbled through an answer and ultimately apologized for not being able to name the federal agencies.
At least he got off on the right foot for his road to image recovery with an apology. An additional tactic he's employed is to become a part of the joke. This tactics was made popular by many politicians before him including Nixon and Palin. It's successful in its humanizing effect and transparency.
On the other hand, is it working? As of today he has fallen to 5th place in republican candidates. It may be increasing his coverage, but not his votes. It hasn't been long since the blunder last week. There is a possibility appearances in the media will help.
Last week's most embarrassing 'oops' by Rick Perry is desperately seeking a comeback through comedy. During a GOP presidential debate Perry fumbled through an answer and ultimately apologized for not being able to name the federal agencies.
At least he got off on the right foot for his road to image recovery with an apology. An additional tactic he's employed is to become a part of the joke. This tactics was made popular by many politicians before him including Nixon and Palin. It's successful in its humanizing effect and transparency.
On the other hand, is it working? As of today he has fallen to 5th place in republican candidates. It may be increasing his coverage, but not his votes. It hasn't been long since the blunder last week. There is a possibility appearances in the media will help.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Ad placement in the non-viral world
Last night at dinner, my roommate was talking about how overwhelmed she feels by advertising these days. She complained that it's impossible to escape ads whether in the car, surfing the internet or watching television. She explained that, since most advertisements she sees don't apply to her at all, she usually tunes them ALL out. I tried express that creative advertising can be engaging, and many advertisements on the internet are so specifically targeted that they are actually very relevant. She agreed that internet advertisement is advancing. YouTube, Facebook and Hulu allows users to voice whether or not an ad is relevant, so they can better choose the advertisements you see. Hulu even gives the user an option of choosing between two different ads to view.

This got me thinking that advertisements out in the non-viral world need to make a stronger effort to engage people, since it's less possible to target a specific group. I think the best way to do this is by clever advertisement placement. Below are some photos of genius advertising placements (a compilation gathered from various design/advertising blogs):

I feel these ads are FAR more successful at gaining attention and engaging the public than a static ad on a billboard. If companies made an attempt to cleverly place FEWER ads, people (like my roommate) would feel less invaded by a mass of advertisements and more turned on the idea in general.
How brands are using Pinterest

Companies such as Nordstrom, Williams-Sonoma and Whole Foods are just some who are taking advantage of the versatility that Pinterest offers. Williams-Sonoma uses their boards to focus on the various ways their products can be used, while Nordstrom uses their boards to post seasonal trends and updates on fashion. Whole Foods posts recipes, seasonal decor ideas and how to use food as art.
As Pinterest grows it will be interesting to see how other companies will use this digital platform to build up their brands.
Michael Jackson Fan Fest Appears in Las Vegas
The first ever Michael Jackson Fan Fest will be taking place in Las Vegas, Nevada on Dec. 4.
The event will be taking place around noon with a Q&A session from his three brothers, Marlon, Jackie and Tito Jackson. The event is scheduled from Dec. 3-14 and will showcase his memorabilia and will give fans another chance to take a look at the stars life from his brothers' eyes.
The fan experience will also extend out with musical appearances and appearances from Michael's friends such as, Joseph Vogel with the music and Miko Brando to give another look into Michael's music videos.
Jackson's awards will be on display as well as things he had from his Neverland Ranch.
Each session of the event will last four hours in the Mandalay Bay's Bayside Exhibit Hall and will allow the visitors to check out the displays. The tickets will be $35 and $75 for VIP tickets.
Click here for more information about the event.
The event will be taking place around noon with a Q&A session from his three brothers, Marlon, Jackie and Tito Jackson. The event is scheduled from Dec. 3-14 and will showcase his memorabilia and will give fans another chance to take a look at the stars life from his brothers' eyes.
The fan experience will also extend out with musical appearances and appearances from Michael's friends such as, Joseph Vogel with the music and Miko Brando to give another look into Michael's music videos.
Jackson's awards will be on display as well as things he had from his Neverland Ranch.
Each session of the event will last four hours in the Mandalay Bay's Bayside Exhibit Hall and will allow the visitors to check out the displays. The tickets will be $35 and $75 for VIP tickets.
Click here for more information about the event.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Retailers putting check on holiday expectations
While retailers are looking to make some money this holiday season, they're not expecting a miracle.
According to a Reuters article posted Wednesday, executives at most major retailers are curbing their optimism in preparation for this year's post-Thanksgiving "Black Friday."
The story reported on a survey conducted by BDO Inc., which interviewed 100 CEOs of major retailers in preparation for this year's holiday shopping season.
Revenues are expected to raise just under 3 percent this year, as opposed to a 3.5 percent increase in 2010, the article stated. Inventory purchases stayed about the same as last year.
Retailers are hoping for a better year than in 2008, when consumers cut back in the face of the recession.
While many retailers are expecting less-than-stellar sales increases, executives from major chains say the holiday picture is a bit rosier than those at small retailers.
The survey didn't address how much the retailers are planning on spending for marketing this year. It remains to be seen how successful this year's shoppers (and stores) will be.
Facebook is too big to buy, what a terrible situation for Zuckerburg...NOT
An article on CNN stated that Facebook is now too big to buy. It is too expensive that companies do not even offer anymore said COO Sheryl Sandberg. It was also discussed when Facebook will go public. The company is expected to file for an IPO or to start making financial disclosures in 2012.
What was also discussed in the article is that Facebook is not widely available in China due to censorship.
"If your mission is to connect the entire world ...you can't connect the entire world and not China," Sandberg said.
The article covered a lot of topics with Facebook: its future, women in the tech industry and its role in social media.
I thought it was really interesting!
What was also discussed in the article is that Facebook is not widely available in China due to censorship.
"If your mission is to connect the entire world ...you can't connect the entire world and not China," Sandberg said.
The article covered a lot of topics with Facebook: its future, women in the tech industry and its role in social media.
I thought it was really interesting!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Lennon's Tooth
One of John Lennon's teeth, a rotten molar to be exact, just sold for $31,200 at an auction in England. Lennon's former house keeper, Dorothy Jarlett, was to dispose of the tooth, but gave it to her daughter instead (a raving Beatles fan).
The tooth was to be thrown away between 1964-1968. Dorothy decided it was now time to pass it on, considering she is now 90 years old.
Canadian dentist Michael Zuk bought the tooth Saturday at the auction.
The tooth was to be thrown away between 1964-1968. Dorothy decided it was now time to pass it on, considering she is now 90 years old.
Canadian dentist Michael Zuk bought the tooth Saturday at the auction.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Is Groupon old news?
Forbes had an article "Is Groupon Toast?", which questions the future of Groupon. It suggests that other, newer group coupon sites will replace the more well-known sites such as Bloomspot & Womply. The article explains that while Groupon is successful to the consumer, businesses are not benefiting the way most people think they would. Bloomspot allows businesses to create deals that last only Sunday-Thursday, allowing businesses to take advantage of their busy times, Friday & Saturday. Bloomspot also guarantees businesses that the average bill will be a certain amount. Another advantage Bloomspot has is it offers 25% of the customers' bill off of their next visit. Womply, on the other hand, works by buying deals on the internet either with your debit card or credit card. When you make the purchase in store with the same debit card or credit card, your account is credited back the amount of the deal. The main argument for this is that the customer does not have to pull out a coupon in the middle of a nice restaurant. Groupon is in the process of making changes to not fall too far behind. Groupon now has an app which allows businesses to release coupons to customers nearby. They have also released a rewards program, which gives customers extra discounts when they spend more than a certain amount at a specific business.
Celebrity tweets earn big bucks
Not only do Twitter users utilize the platform to promote themselves, but they also use the social media site to promote others. Twitter users can utilize hash tags to promote other users. However, depending on how many followers you have or how popular you are, some Twitter users can actually make money from tweeting for companies.
Lindsay Lohan made about $3,500 for one tweet: "These challenges for college kids on #CampusLIVE are SO addicting!" CampusLIVE.com, a website that helps connect advertisers and college aged students paid the actress for the tweet after polling the their interns to determine which celebrity would help generate buzz for the company. It is estimated that Lohan's tweet generated 4,500 clicks for the website.
I think this can be a double edged sword. Traditional advertisements can be expensive and the target audience through those outlets might be harder to reach. With social media, you can choose a celebrity spokesperson with followers who have similar interests and know immediately the number of impressions possible. However, will consumers begin to see this as merely an advertising ploy and start to discount the celebrity tweets?
Album leak spurs #trendingtopic
Canadian artist, Drake, is one of the most talked about artists in the last few years of hip hop and pop music. His new highly anticipated album Take Care drops on November 15, however the album leaked and spurred six of the top 10 trending topics on Twitter this morning. With hashtags attached to song titles from the new album, fans seem to be pleased. Drake tweeted that “I am not sure if the album leaked. But if it did thank god it doesn't happen a month early anymore.” He added, “Listen, enjoy it, buy it if you like it...and take care until next time.”
Being a fan, I'll be buying his album the legit way, however I couldn't help but listen to some leaked tracks. It seems like albums are always getting "leaked" now, when the demand for new music from the artist is high. When there's a solid fan base present, the artists seem unaffected by the leaks, with faith that their hard work will pay off one way or another.
This video was uploaded by "RealDrizzyDrake" on YouTube yesterday, and the song is labeled wrong, but it starts with a line about Texas girls. : ) Thought I'd share.
Source: Yahoo! News: Twitter index
Being a fan, I'll be buying his album the legit way, however I couldn't help but listen to some leaked tracks. It seems like albums are always getting "leaked" now, when the demand for new music from the artist is high. When there's a solid fan base present, the artists seem unaffected by the leaks, with faith that their hard work will pay off one way or another.
This video was uploaded by "RealDrizzyDrake" on YouTube yesterday, and the song is labeled wrong, but it starts with a line about Texas girls. : ) Thought I'd share.
Source: Yahoo! News: Twitter index
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Facebook's new feature can be beneficial to journalists
I know a lot of us are not too happy with all of the changes Facebook has rolled out in the past few months. There's still one addition still in the works, timeline. If you're still mad about the changes, this article may make you feel a little better.
Facebook's journalist program manager, Vadim Lavrusik, spoke at a Mashable's Media Summit and explained how the changes can be useful to journalists. The subscribe feature allows journalists to make posts as themselves. They would need to double check their privacy settings to make sure they're searchable, though.
Another good point Lavrusik made is not everyone is going to use every single feature on Facebook, and that's ok. Trying to keep up with every feature is when Facebook starts to get difficult. The main point is to use what features will help you network and get your stuff out there the best.
check out the full article, along with Lavrusik's presentation slides here.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
What is Occupying Wall Street?
The movement of Occupy Wall Street is now in its 8th week. Some people say they are completely against it, while some say they support the movement. The question isn't if you support it, but more simply, do you understand it?
Thousands of people across the world have all taken up the cause and protested using social media to engage others. Protestors in NYC are even getting free food and donations as they camp outside. They may be saving the world but no one actually knows what the heck they are protesting.
There has never been a clear agenda or concise messages to deliver to the people. There is no defense to pro-Wall Street because there is no narrative to tell the story.
One popular grassroots movement was Women's Rights in the 70's. The only difference between the two was people knew what the Women's Rights Movement wanted and OWS just confuses everyone looking in.
If OWS really wants the world's support, there needs to be a story and concise message for everyone to understand. Social Media may be a tool to gain support but soon the support will disappear if social media doesn't spread the message.
Thousands of people across the world have all taken up the cause and protested using social media to engage others. Protestors in NYC are even getting free food and donations as they camp outside. They may be saving the world but no one actually knows what the heck they are protesting.
There has never been a clear agenda or concise messages to deliver to the people. There is no defense to pro-Wall Street because there is no narrative to tell the story.
One popular grassroots movement was Women's Rights in the 70's. The only difference between the two was people knew what the Women's Rights Movement wanted and OWS just confuses everyone looking in.
If OWS really wants the world's support, there needs to be a story and concise message for everyone to understand. Social Media may be a tool to gain support but soon the support will disappear if social media doesn't spread the message.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Rihanna's Unlocked Campaign
Rihanna has found a new way to launch an album with the release of Unlocked, an interactive Facebook app that that lets fan uncover new details of her upcoming album, Talk That Talk. Once fans "like" the Unlocked Facebook page they are then sent on "missions" to uncover the content released by Rihanna's label, Island Def Jams. So far the missions have included uncovering her new "R" logo, lyrics for the first single, the name of the new single, the album cover and her new website. Since the apps launch in September, Rihanna has gained nearly one million new Twitter followers, created 2.5 million tweets, and 700,000 new Facebook fans. Unlocked has given fans a new way to engage with Rihanna and help promote the album. This new idea can also be applied to other industries and it will be interesting to see who else picks up on the trend.
Twitter Stories

From their blog:
“Read about a single Tweet that helped save a bookstore from going out of business; an athlete who took a hundred of his followers out to a crab dinner; and, Japanese fishermen who use Twitter to sell their catch before returning to shore. Each story reminds us of the humanity behind Tweets that make the world smaller"
I went to the Twitter Stories website and read some of the interesting things that people have been able to do with Twitter and it really made me realize that it is not only a networking tool for professionals, a way to keep up with friends or a news source but it can be life saving and fun.
The most interesting story I read was one of a man who tweeted "Sh*t I need a kidney." It only took a few days for 19 people to offer him one. HOW CRAZY IS THAT?!
Email Fail

That is why I was shocked by the email posted in this article at PR Daily. The email is from a college senior looking for a job at a PR firm (sounds like a familiar situation, right?). Here is what the student said in the email:
"I am a student from XXX State University I plan on graduating this spring and was very interested in applying at your firm. My major is public but I have had experience in advertisement, campaign management, and social media. I will of course sent you a portfolio and resume upon my graduation I just find it appropriate to contact you early. I extremely respect your business and I feel I have the ability to add to your already sterling reputation.
Thank You
Sent from my iPhone"
The article goes on to talk about all of the obvious errors contained in the email. I'm even more frustrated with this student because I can vividly remember what it was like when I applied for my summer internship. I disappeared off the social grid for two weeks (seriously, some people thought I was missing) to take the time to write cover letters and emails to anyone and everyone that would hire me.
These emails are very important, and they certainly should not be a form letter sent from your iPhone. As public relations students at Texas State, I feel like we have been lucky enough to receive advice about how to handle professional situations like this one.
Do you spend ample time on your important emails? If so, do you have any tips you'd like to share?
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Womply's "Effortless Offers" to change daily deal platform model

There is a new and improved offers platform model that helps merchants target specific audiences while making it easier for consumers to use the offers. Womply's Effortless Offers is different than other deal sites because it eliminates the need to print out paper coupons and allows merchants to effectively track if people are using the deal. It is also better because the offers don't rely on a certain number of sales in order for the offer to be eligible.
Consumers can sign up for Womply via Facebook and register their card. When a person registers, Womply tracks the best deals in their area (based on Facebook profile information) and they can choose which offer they want to reserve with their credit or debit card. They then go into the store purchase the product at full price and within a couple of days they are credited back what they spent in the store. If they don't use the offer they are reimbursed in full. The main drawback is that the consumer has to spend more upfront, but the pros outweigh the cons.
Say you find a deal at a local resturant - $50 worth of food for $25. You would pay $25 upfront to reserve the offer, go and enjoy your meal, and at the end you would pay the original $50. However, after 2 days the $50 would be credited back to your card. It is way better than having to keep track of a paper coupon, and if you don't use the offer, there is no loss.
This is also better for merchants because they can track who is buying the deals and have a better understanding of thier audience. It also eliminates waste and impulse buying. Womply is currently in the D.C. area and will expand to five new cities in January. Happy Womping everyone :)
BofA, Feeling the Burn, Dumps Debit Fee Plan

"Our customers' voices are most important to us. As a result, we are not currently charging the fee and will not be moving forward with any additional plans to do so," co-COO David Darnell said.
Other banks, like J.P. Morgan Chase, have also ditched their debit fee plans.
Bank of America noted that all businesses as some point have to answer to consumers, and evidently Bank of America reached that point.
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