Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Skinny on Carl's Jr.
Carl's Jr. and sister-chain, Hardees, will be the first fast-food chain to offer the healthier burgers. Carl's Jr. and Men's Health wanted to design a "healthy" fast-food burger. Carl's Jr. has not been know for healthy choices in the past felt that their customers were looking for a great-tasting burger available in a beef alternative.
To promote the new burger, Carl's Jr. created ad's that feature Miss Turkey, Gizem Memic, in a burger printed bikini.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Britney's People

Britney Spears does not do live, unedited interviews. Period. Not even for Carson Daly.
Daly and Spears were schedule to discuss Spears’ new album on 97.1 AMP Radio; however, there were conditions.
Spears’ management required Daly to pre-record the interview and send it back for their approval.
Clearly upset by this, Daly began ranting on Twitter.
“I was jst TOLD my @britneyspears interview tomm on @ampradio MUST b pre-recorded & submitted 4 approval by HER mgmt b4 it can air! F THAT!”
Daly made sure to direct his anger at Spears’ management and not the singer herself.
“jst shocked her mgmt won't let her do a normal interview. She probly doesn't even know. I've known and supported her since she was 15. This has nothing to do w her. Just her ppl.”
Daly claims he is not upset about the interview being prerecorded, but thinks Spears’ management overstepped their boundaries by taking and editing the interview overnight.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Tweet Mac & Cheese [commercials]
I can appreciate the company's advertising efforts in taking a different approach in advertising since an objective of the brand is to more immerse itself in social media, but I do fee like the quality of the video could have been better and that it was rushed a little (the commercial was shot the day of). This ad won't leave an impression, in my opinion, on its consumers like the ad from January, which featured homeless man Ted Williams.
The other two commercials, which were also shot in the same day, were posted on the brand's Facebook page. The second commercial is especially lame, in my opinion.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
One Stop Shop
"This year, we anticipate a lot of viewers will watch the basketball tournament games from not only their HDTV, but smart phones, tablets and computers. Therefore, we've made sure that we have expanded savings on many devices to better enjoy viewing the games," said Joe Hartsig, SVP Technology, Entertainment and Office for Sam's Club.
Sam's Club is already known for their low prices, but with the rush of shoppers wanting to get as much bang for their buck as possible, it is a very smart move for the store to offer a package deal. With Wal-Mart struggling with sales, this will only put them one step further behind their competitor. It will be interesting to see if consumers capitalize on this deal or decide to take their business elsewhere.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
AT&T Takes Over T-Mobile

Newspapers Jumping on the Groupon Bandwagon
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Google Gets In Trouble
Monday, March 21, 2011
Adidas launched its largest, most inclusive brand campaign
On March 16 Adidas launched its largest marketing campaign in brand history called “All Adidas.” The global campaign, for the first time, includes multiple Adidas sub-brands. Adidas is targeting all ‘games’ and looking for passionate faces in the athletic, musical, artistic and other fields of performance.
The campaign is running TV spots with extended online editions, and using Facebook and YouTube to include fans. Adidas has asked people to submit their best game face photo for a chance to be in a commercial.
I really like that Adidas is including activities outside of sports.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Starbucks Expands in China

Starbucks in now selling its instant- coffee packets and consumer packaged goods in China. The company plans to expand their coffee business internationally. Starbucks currently has over 800 stores across China. Recently, the company changed their cups. The company name and the word coffee are no longer on cups. Starbucks expects China to become its biggest market and plans to continue opening stores in China.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Targetbase in the Big 100
Targetbase has been named one of the "Best companies to Work for in Texas 2011" The awards program is a project of Texas Monthly magazine, the Texas Association of Business (TAB), the Texas State Council of the Society for Human Resource Management (TSC-SHRM), and Best Companies Group.
Companies from across the state entered the two-part process to determine the Best Companies to Work for in Texas. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company's workplace policies, practices and demographics, which represented approximately 25 percent of the total evaluation. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience, which was worth approximately 75 percent of the total evaluation. The combined scores determined the top companies and the final ranking.
I think this award is a great oppurtunity for Targetbase or any company for that matter. Congrats Targetbase and keep up the good work.
Monday, March 7, 2011
'Tiger Blood Radio' Launched by Sirius XM

As if the public relations nightmare that is Charlie Sheen could get any worse (or any more hilarius), the satellite radio station Sirius XM announced last Friday that it was to launch a radio station devoted entirely to the kook.
The station, called "Tiger Blood Radio," broadcasted for only one day, from Saturday to Sunday, and was be devoted to "breaking news, facts, fallout, and career implications of the Charlie Sheen controversy," said Sirius.
The station spent the entire day and night (March 5 at 6 A.M. - March 6 at 6 A.M.) examining every angle of the situation including the cultural and medical implications.
This is absolutely ridiculous, but I'm secretly kind of sad I missed it, as it would have been interesting to see what advice people had for his public relations situation.
"Please stow all luggage and children in the overhead bin"
After placing a 17-month-old boy in an overhead compartment of a plane operated by Virginia Blue, a flight attendant has lost his job. The airline has admitted that the incident occurred, however they claim that the boy and his father had been playing peek-a-boo and the flight attendant was just joining in the game.
The mother claims that the boy now suffers from anxiety and the airline company has began releasing statements about safety as a first priority after the mother complained. In order to calm the mother, the airline company has offered her free flights, but the mother has not taken them.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
“Your home is where the war is.”

THQ, developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software, has become the target of many angry Twitter and Facebook posts. Today, in San Fransico, Ca. THQ held a mock civil rights rally in promotion of its first-person shooter video game, Homefront.
At the rally, 10,000 red balloons were released while witnesses from the bay watched and immediately reacted with disapproving social media posts. In response to their complaints, THQ and GameStop have replied with the following statements:
THQ statement: "The balloons released at the Homefront rally event today were made from a 100% organic product and are 100% biodegradable. The balloons have no history of causing any environmental pollution on land or in water. Although we're confident that there will be no harm to the environment, we've retained a clean up crew to remove any potential lingering debris. This was a THQ sponsored promotion and GameStop had no involvement, whatsoever."
GameStop statement: “We understand the concerns consumers have regarding the impact balloons can have on the environment. However, the balloon drop stunt in San Francisco was created by THQ, the publisher of Homefront, and GameStop had no prior knowledge of it. THQ has since informed us that they released soy-based, biodegradable balloons. UPDATE: Comments and queries should be directed to THQ media relations at 818-871-5125.”
Although the rally didn't receive the attention THQ expected, I don't believe this stunt will negatively impact the games sales. It may even increase public awareness of Homefront.
Dior Quickly Cuts Ties With John Galliano

John Galliano, was fired from Dior Tuesday for a video that surfaced of him making anti-Semitic remarks. In the video The designer tells a woman: "People like you would be dead. Your mothers, your forefathers, would all be f****** gassed."
According to a Dior executive who spoke with the New York Times, the company received numerous complaints from customers offended by Galliano’s remarks. Dior and its parent company, LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton acted quickly in an attempt to limit any long-term damage to the Dior name.
Sidney Toledano, Dior’s chief executive,announced Tuesday the company has initiated dismissal procedures. Toledano said the words and conduct of Galliano, “are in total contradiction to the longstanding core values of Christian Dior.”
“I am deeply shocked and disgusted by the video of John Galliano’s comments that surfaced today," said Natalie Portman,who represents the brand’s Miss Dior Cherie perfume. "In light of this video, and as an individual who is proud to be Jewish, I will not be associated with Mr. Galliano in any way.”
I think this was a strong and smart PR move by Dior and LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton. Galliano's actions outraged and offended many people and the Dior Company should not want to be associated with them.
88 percent real
Taco Bell has been 100 percent dedicated to stand strong against the lawsuit by fighting back with full page ad's in national newspapers last month, launching a social media campaign that included urging Twitter users to voice their support and offering Facebook fans a free crunchy taco for their loyalty.
Taco Bell decided to go with the TV campaigns after studies revealed it only reached out to half the population. Since Taco Bell claims their seasoned beef is 88 percent beef and 12 percent "special seasonings" they are offered the Crunchwrap Supreme for 88 cents as opposed to the original price of $2.39. Taco Bell is launching this campaign as they enter U.S. District Court in California to respond to the allegations.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Be careful what you like...

Facebook recently announced a new functionality of their popular "Like" button. Previously, the button would only add a small link on your wall and newsfeed, but now it will post a full story with a headline, blurb and thumbnail. Facebook says this will help drive people to the pages people like, but I think this may cause Facebook users to stop using the like button. I think it is interesting how Facebook is looking at adding more content, when there are things out there like twitter that value concise messages. As an avid twitter user, I'm pretty sure I am going to find these extensive posts irritating. If you can't give it to me in 140 characters or less, it better be extremely interesting.
Does Facebook make you feel cool? (Study)
The study, conducted by Cornell University, consisted of 62 students who were left alone in the university's lab. Their computers were either turned on using the student's Facebook page or turned off. Some computers even had a mirror propped against the screen.
The students who had Facebook on their screen were given three minutes to obsess with their page and then were given a questionnaire to measure their self-esteem. Although the article does not describe the type of questions answered, I'm sure they were quantity-focused. Example: "How many tagged pictures do you have?"
I can see this being true for the younger Facebook users. This sounds SO MySpacey. Now that Facebook is big amongst high school students and younger teenagers, that time is typically measured by being accepted and popular. I can see this study also applying to Twitter as well, even with its limitations, because of the follower obsession.