Britney Spears does not do live, unedited interviews. Period. Not even for Carson Daly.
Daly and Spears were schedule to discuss Spears’ new album on 97.1 AMP Radio; however, there were conditions.
Spears’ management required Daly to pre-record the interview and send it back for their approval.
Clearly upset by this, Daly began ranting on Twitter.
“I was jst TOLD my @britneyspears interview tomm on @ampradio MUST b pre-recorded & submitted 4 approval by HER mgmt b4 it can air! F THAT!”
Daly made sure to direct his anger at Spears’ management and not the singer herself.
“jst shocked her mgmt won't let her do a normal interview. She probly doesn't even know. I've known and supported her since she was 15. This has nothing to do w her. Just her ppl.”
Daly claims he is not upset about the interview being prerecorded, but thinks Spears’ management overstepped their boundaries by taking and editing the interview overnight.
What more can Britney do to damange her reputation? That woman has been to bald head and back, an interview won't stop her fans (including me) from supporting her, even when she is a hot mess.
HAHA! Ohhhhh Britney... you poor little thing. Child stars = one giant mess when their older!
I saw an interview today with Britney on MTV and you could totally tell where it had been edited to make her sound good. I don't agree with it, but look at the additioinal publicity she got for editing her commentary.
I don't think an interview with Carson Daly is going to ruin Britney Spears any. It may be a good thing that her people are monitoring her so closely, but if Daly wanted to the interview and they told him they were going to do an edit, he shouldn't have done the interview to begin with.
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