Obviously by now, I would imagine everyone has heard and seen the new iPhone 4S and it's virtual personal assistant application, Siri.
Here’s how Siri is supposed to work: An iPhone 4S user holds down the device’s Home button until hearing a double beep sound. Then the user gives Siri a command—“Remind me about the boil I’m having lanced on Tuesday”—and it displays a response on the phone and utters one in a female voice. (via the blog)
I think that it is a helpful tool but I would probably use it more for fun than as a personal assistant. The blog "Sh*t Siri Says" cracks me up and makes me want this new iPhone just to gets those witty answers from her.
Haha sounds fun to me. I still haven't jumped on the smart phone band wagon so this is a little far fetched for me
I'm an avid Android (Google-powered phone) user and lover and I really hope they release Siri for Android! I'm assuming something is in the works, however right before Christmas seems like a wonderful launch time. :-)
I am up for an upgrade and am one of the few that still have a dinosaur phone vs. a smartphone. My roommate just got the iPhone 4s and has the Siri. My roommate, at first, thought it was hilarious but now she has found it pretty helpful. I think I am going to use my upgrade for the iPhone 4s just so I can also use the Siri.
I think this was an excellent idea. I have the iPhone4, but I like playing with Siri on my friends' new phones. I agree though. I'd probably use it more for entertainment (like a magic 8 ball!) than for practical reasons.
They actually released an app on Android called Iris (get it?) that's supposed to do the same thing. The creators made it in 8 hours and it's still in alpha so it's not close to perfect, but check it out if you're jealous of Siri.
I think this is a great idea. Yea it will probably be used for entertainment, but could probably be found useful in people's lives. I just bought an Android so I didn't hop on the iPhone 4s bandwagon, but I'm interested in playing with someone's phone that has it to see what it is all about! It'd be interesting to hear about the making of, too.
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