Monday, November 10, 2008

Iams celebrates 10 years of holiday campaign for pet adoption

Iams Pet Food is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its pet adoption campaign, "Home 4 the Holidays," with the help of Desperate Housewives star Felicity Huffman. The campaign, in partnership with the San Diego County-based Helen Woodward Animal Center, includes online outreach, traditional media relations, and a new sports-themed challenge. Online, Iams is using Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, and its Web site to get the word out about the campaign, said Kris Parlett, external relations specialist for Procter & Gamble Pet Care. Iams is also testing a partnership with two NFL teams—the Cincinnati Bengals and the Cleveland Browns—for the "Cats versus Dawgs" competition, monitoring completions on the field and adoption completions at local animal shelters. Running from October 1 to January 5, the campaign encourages consumers to adopt animals from their local shelters, with a goal of providing 1 million homes during those 12 weeks. As of November 10, there were 291,394 adoptions.

Social media is mentioned all over now a-days. Facebook, MySpace and YouTube are the new websites used for advertisements. Besdies the help of these networking websites, Desperate Housewife, Felicity Huffman, would be a reason enough for most of America to adopt a puppy. I may not speak for everyone, but it is always nice to see a celebrity mentioning adoption. I am all about adoption of puppies who need a home. Iams has a great campaign going on for their 10 year anniversary, "Home 4 The Holidays."

Save a puppy, adopt!


alix w lee said...

That makes me soooo happy! I adopted my little Frankenstein from the shelter in San Antonio and he is now my best friend. He once ate a whole wheel of cheese and pooped in the refrigerator, I wasnt even mad, it was amazing.

Serious Note: Props to Iams, Im a sucker for companies who do good things for animals. America will love em too!!

BlakeS said...

I think this is a great idea. Iams is doing a great thing. I always think back to those sad commercials where the dogs have one eye, and need to be adopted. I think everyone should adopt a pet. Applause to Iams.

LaceyMc said...

I think this sounds like a good campaign that could be really successful.

LynetteZ said...

kids are always wanting pets and this is a great way to promote pet adoption. just in time for the holidays.