Monday, January 18, 2010

EXAMPLE POST: Is the gold a bit tarnished?

Note: this is an example to show what your blog post should be about and what it should contain.

Since the Tylenol scare in 1982, Johnson & Johnson has set the gold standard in crisis communications. They are the company PR professors everywhere use as an example of how to do crisis PR. However, a story in today's New York Times suggests that with its recall of several products last week, J&J may now be an example of how not to do crisis communication.

In an era of corporate scandal, where consumers want even more transparency from companies, that a company like Johnson & Johnson seems to have forgotten the lessons it learned almost 30 years ago. It makes one wonder, if the Tylenol scare happened today instead of 1982, would J&J have set the gold standard or would it be tarnished brass?

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