Lionsgate is teaming up with thisMoment, a company focused on creating engaging experiences at the point where social media, mobile devices, and the real-time Web collide to engage fans of its upcoming feature film, KICK-ASS, across multiple social environments.
thisMoment's new Distributed Engagement Channel (DEC), is enabling Lionsgate to deploy a single interactive brand channel in its entirety across YouTube, Facebook and MySpace, publish user-generated and official multimedia content, and capture a stream of real-time updates about the film through one, simple content management system.
The KICK-ASS channel on YouTube, Facebook and MySpace will include several interactive features aimed at increasing fan engagement making KICK-ASS movie content more readily available. All multimedia content on the channel can be shared with a user's own social graph, extending the reach of that content even further.
User interactions such as uploads and comments will also be synced in real time across all instances of the channel, allowing KICK-ASS fans to communicate with each other and creating one connected community around the film.
For the original article click HERE
This is a KICK-ASS idea.
I finally saw a preview for that and it looked really funny!
I think this movie is going to be pretty funny but I'm not sure too many people are going to go spend the money to see it. Especially when theaters are charging $9.25 per movie ticket. I will most likely wait for it to come out on Redbox haha
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