Monday, February 22, 2010

Domino's Turns Ketchup-Cardboard Pizza Into "Oh Yes We Did!" Pizza

Most companies and brands do not aim to point out their negative aspects but Domino's did. Not only did Domino's choose to break a cardinal rule of advertising - don't quote your customers cruelly dissing you product - but they also succeeded in bringing positive attention to their new product. Domino's took a risky shot in their PR tactic but came out on the better side. Their bluntness and ability to connect with their past, and unhappy, customers created a campaign that made a mark in public relations history.

Along with facing the ugly, Domino's put a humorous spin on their campaign. They were able to laugh at themselves and show the public that they were willing to change to meet, and go above, expectations - smart move! The catch to this campaign is that their was "no pressing need" to defend or fix themselves, but a perfect time to pull out a sneaky and genius public relations move.

The public will always judge and Domino's took advantage of the judging by placing their critics in their commercials, along with insulting quotes. The public ended up favoring the "we messed up" campaign and Domino's carried themselves to a better place. Whoever said revealing the bad will not be good, is wrong when it comes to Domino's "Oh Yes We Did!"-Campaign.

Dominos "Pizza Turnaround" Commercial

Hannah Albrecht
Monday, February 22, 2010


JillianBezner said...

I love this campaign and think it is genius of Domino's. While I loved thier pizza before the recipe changes, I agree with the customers featured in the commercials that it has been improved.

Aubrey Blass said...

I have never seen that commercial before and I have never had a problem with Domino's. Although, I am very interested to see how their pizza tastes now!

k_lub said...

I like how they showed footage of the focus group of people talking smack about their pizza. Even if the campaign wasn't real, it looked legit.