Last night at dinner, my roommate was talking about how overwhelmed she feels by advertising these days. She complained that it's impossible to escape ads whether in the car, surfing the internet or watching television. She explained that, since most advertisements she sees don't apply to her at all, she usually tunes them ALL out. I tried express that creative advertising can be engaging, and many advertisements on the internet are so specifically targeted that they are actually very relevant. She agreed that internet advertisement is advancing. YouTube, Facebook and Hulu allows users to voice whether or not an ad is relevant, so they can better choose the advertisements you see. Hulu even gives the user an option of choosing between two different ads to view.
This got me thinking that advertisements out in the non-viral world need to make a stronger effort to engage people, since it's less possible to target a specific group. I think the best way to do this is by clever advertisement placement. Below are some photos of genius advertising placements (a compilation gathered from various design/advertising blogs):
I feel these ads are FAR more successful at gaining attention and engaging the public than a static ad on a billboard. If companies made an attempt to cleverly place FEWER ads, people (like my roommate) would feel less invaded by a mass of advertisements and more turned on the idea in general.
I've always loved creative guerrilla marketing. It's nice to see something different once in a while. As long as it's tastefully done, I think it can work really well for a company.
I really love this "thinking outside the box" ad placement. These brands got really creative and found a way to stand out from the constant blur of traditional advertisements.
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