Monday, March 2, 2009

Catching a Break

By: Jody Volet

PR and Communications professionals are somewhat in luck this year. PR people are finally getting some respect. Their jobs are something that are not being dismissed so easily this time around. With the economy how it is has to start making some changes, such as getting going bankrupted, firing people and just losing money in general.

Well, with everything that is going people who can communicate are needed very much. When something is going bad with a company they need someone to talk about it and tell the public what is going on. When you are changing your image or have something big going on with your company, you have to have someone communicate that to the public. PR and communicating is very key. We are the middle man to getting the public to know information. We are very important people and companies need us.

PR and Communication jobs are not taking such a hard hit as other corporate businesses because they are the people who need us. They are the people that are helping companies get their message across and help people understand what is going on. There could be a chance that communicators could lose their jobs later on, for now they are just fine. PR and Communicators are some of the professions that have the least amount of layoffs and hopefully getting the respect they have deserved and wanted for years.

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