Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dockers Interactve Ad Platform

Dockers has taken a new angle at their advertising ventures. Yesterday they launched a new campaign through free iphone game applications that will run for four weeks. The ad is called "Shakedown 2 Get Down." The actual visual is a famous freestyle dancer wearing Dockers(R) Vintage Workwear Khakis as he dances around the screen. It appears between levels during the time the user used to wait for the screen to upload. In order to get the ad off of the screen the person “shakes” the phone. Sherri Phillips, vice-president of marketing, Dockers(R) San Francisco. "The Dockers(R) brand will continue to seek out new interactive technologies and cost-effective ways to reach and engage our loyal consumers." The company found that iphone users prefer free apps to paid 200 to 1. During this economic downturn when companies are careful of the way they spend one has to admit, Dockers is using advertisement dollars in a creative and innovative that will directly reach their target audience. Now, how do we feel about this? It seems as though the ad won’t be too intrusive and will be easy to get rid of but…what happens when others advertisers jump on the bandwagon. As long as companies keep campaigns in restricted areas, like between games, and they can come up with cool intriguing ideas like Dockers-there shouldn’t be a problem. I personally do not have an iphone but for those who do this new medium may become quite a nuisance.


Lindsey Walther said...

I love the new dance-advertising trend that's spreading. Have you seen the new billboard by Great Locations? Well, the guy that you always see near the road getting his groove on with crazy dance moves has become the Great Locations' image, and he has his own billboard now! Check it out next time you drive down Aquarina Springs.

Unknown said...

Thanks, guys. We did the technology behind this and are working with some great publishers/developers in the iPhone space to create plenty more of these.


Eric Litman
Medialets, Inc.

Alli Bequette said...

I commend Dockers for their new advertising angle. With everyone plugged into technology, what better way to advertise than with an Iphone application. I agree with the comment that as long as the ads stay creative and innovative companies won't have a problem reaching their targeted audience. I'm sure this is just the first of many ads we will start to see on Iphones, Blackberrys and other devices.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that classic brands like Dockers aren't hesitant to take a chance on something different. No brand, even one as noteable as Dockers, could expect to stay relevant if they didn't stay up with their target audience, which is becoming more an more connected with technology.