Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Does PETA ad featuring a young, pantsless woman in a neckbrace promote veganism, or offend?

This article talks about how PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is known for its provocative ads, many of them featuring women in various states of undress that aim to draw attention to animal rights.

However, Monday's ad may have crossed the line for some viewers. It shows a limping, pantless women with a neckbrace, struggling to carry a bag of vegetables home from the store. "The woman suffers from 'Boyfriend Went Vegan and Knocked the Bottom Out of Me,' a painful condition that occurs when boyfriends go vegan and can suddenly bring it like a tantric porn star," Kevin Nealon, the narrator of the ad said.

The ad even shows a clip implying that the couple is having raunchy sex. The boyfriend is then shown fixing a hole in the wall while the woman undresses. "Oh your feeling better?" he asks as she has a mischevious grin on her face.

The campaign is intended to promote veganism and animal rights by implying that men who go vegan have crazy sex skills and that women like it. But does it also promote violence against women?

Lisa Lange, a senior vice president for PETA says the ad is playful and the woman is happy. However, I agree with Michael Learmonth, digital editor at Advertising Age. Although PETA is going for shock value, I dont think showing a woman beat up is the right way to gain attention and promote animal rights.

I think this is bad PR for PETA and portrays their organization as sex crazed, women beating advocates. But its okay because they love animals right? Although their organization is for a good cause and is intended to stop violence against animals, its brings about the greater social issue of violence against women.

Furthermore, this is not the first time PETA has been accused of using sex to gain coverage. Prior to the Super Bowl, PETA released a "Girls Gone Wild"- style anti-milk ad that it said was banned from the broadcast. The Super Bowl is known for using sex to sell ads so the fact that they rejected PETA's ad must mean it was pretty bad.

There are other methods besides objectifying women to promote awareness against animal cruelty. I think by using their current methods, PETA is downplaying the severity of its main purpose to stop animal cruelty and therefore people will not take them seriously. They are sending a bad message to the public, which in turn is ruining the company's image.


Allison Baron said...

I totally agree with you. PETA reminds me of that slutty girl in high school that everyone already slept with and no one cares about anymore. Put your clothes on, get some dignity and do something else with yourself, PETA.

JGusan said...

Yikes, PETA should stop using the sex angle if they are trying to teach respect and dignity. How are they to deliver a clear message when they can't respect their audience?