Thursday, March 8, 2012

Why the new iPad is not called the iPad 3

"Apple doesn't want consumers to buy tablets, it wants them to buy iPads."

According to an article published in CNET News, Apple's reason for not naming the new iPad "iPad 3" is so that Apple can take "ownership of the category." Apple's ideal world is for people to refer to any tablet as an "iPad", just like most do when talking about an MP3 player, they refer to it as an iPod.

By keeping the name just iPad also gives leeway to add different versions like with the MacBook (i.e. MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, ect.), and moving away from the numbers following the name of every new iPad shows that it's basically the same product with less changes from the previous model.

This type of branding has proven to be successful for Apple in the past, so I see no reason it shouldn't continue to do so.

 To read the full story, click the link below:


Tess Jones said...

Lauren Clark said...

I think this is pretty smart on Apple's part. They realized where this worked before with the MP3/iPod situation and I think they can capitalize on the iPad as well.

Jade Patek said...

I would also think that they wouldn't name it "iPad3" because they only improved the quality of the screen and not really anything else.