Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hulu vs. Facebook

Trying to cut into the Social Networking industry, Hulu is trying to be another Facebook. It will be interesting to wait and see exactly how well Hulu will do against their giant competitor, Facebook. Honestly, I don't think it stands a chance. Parents are already embracing the Facebook craze. I think if you asked them what "Hulu" was they would have no idea what you were talking about. I know my mom wouldn't.

However, Hulu does have a step up from Facebook because it gives users free online access to TV shows and other video, which networks and other suppliers provide in exchange for a cut of the Web site's advertising revenue. Interesting. Facebook might have some competition coming. It will be exciting to see who comes out on top and to stay.


Clint Walker said...

Hulu needs to stick with what it knows. It has become more profitable than youtube in its first year alone. Hulu distances itself from youtube by offering quality programing from respected networks while youtube offers baby's first step and kid breaks his arm videos. Quality networks publish on Hulu because they know their content won't appear next to something that reflects poorly on them.

Hulu also avoids losing its credibility by locking out user created content, by creating any form of user system it risks having to allow user-created content, which includes comments. If anyone has viewed a youtube video in the past 3 years they know that racism, sexism or just plain idiotry will show up in the comments; don't risk it Hulu.

Clint Walker said...

...and facebook needs to quite copying twitter. Either buy them out and leave them to do what they do best or shut'em down after implementing their API into your system, you can't copy them and expect people to like it as much or migrate to more of the same.

shepshep said...

I agree with Clint fully. Hulu is amazing at what it does. It should focus on the specialized programming not social media. kudos Clint on saying it better than I could