Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sprite makes mini reality seres for Facebook

Now that the Internet has completely changed the face of PR and Advertising, clients need more than the traditional push. If you want to be sure you are reaching the proper audience, you've got to find a way to align your brand with their interests. Music has become an increasingly popular tool for sparking an interest in teens. More interactive online campaigns are being launched on sites like Facebook because the most effective way to get a teenager's attention is to put an ad on the websites they spend a lot of time on, not the television.
This is the logic that the Coca-Cola Company used when they decided to underwrite a new online reality series called "Green-Eyed World", to promote Sprite to the teenage audience. The series follows Katie Vogel, a young pop singer, on her aspiring road to fame and allows viewers to rate her music and befriend her on Facebook.
The series is as “reality”as it gets, starting with the first episode in which Vogel’s boyfriend breaks up with her. She gets upset, calls a friend and then coincidentally picks up her guitar and has the perfect song to play for the cameras.
What I found interesting about the video, was the lack of in your face product placement or logos. The Sprite logo only appears at the beginning and very end of the video. Throughout the episode the closest thing to product placement was simply the recurring color green.
I think Facebook is a reasonable place for brand placement, but companies still need to use precaution. Right now the ads seem to be compatible with the format and context of the site, but if they get carried away it might turn users off. Everyone remembers what happened to MySpace.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well thats pretty much the next thing in advertising and marketing. With the Internet where it is now, it only makes sense to capitalize on the market.