Wednesday, April 1, 2009


By: Jody Volet

It is really ridiculous how easy celebrities get out of serious crimes. Once again, what kind of image are they giving to the people who follow and listen to T.I.’s music or anything that deal with his life? In my opinion they are not setting a good example.

Since T.I. did the “Road to Redemption” show he has gotten 1,030 hours of his 1,500 hours of community service out of the way. I don’t think that should be part of his court order community service. I feel that there should be additional community service that he should have to participate in after his jail time. They are making it so easy for celebrities to get away with stuff to where it almost looks like it is ok if you have the image or title.

I also don’t think a year and one day is long enough. I think it should be at least two years where he can really feel the wrath of jail. Plus if he behaves well then they will just let him go anyway. None of it makes any sense to me. It should be harsher punishment, but we all know it won’t be.

If the police force and government really wanted to show people how important it is not to do illegal things then they should use celebrities as examples. They should let people see how wrong it is to have illegal guns in your possession. It is very frustrating to see this type of thing on the news because if it was a regular citizen there outcome would be ten times worse.

1 comment:

KendallCape said...

I agree, not only would a regular citizen not be allowed to get to the point of having as many tickets as he has, but they would be punished much harder. I think its a good effort that officials are AT LEAST making him serve jail time (even though I am almost certain that he will not serve the full sentence)