Tuesday, April 6, 2010

UTSA student organization launches "Smut for Smut" campaign

In March, members of the Atheist Agenda, a student organization at the University at San Antonio launched their "Smut for Smut" campaign which encourages students to turn in their religious texts for pornography.

Club members express that religious texts contain violence, torture and speak religious wars and are just as smutty as pornography.

But mostly, the student organization launched the campaign as a public relations stunt meant to ignite debate and attract new members to the club.

The "Smut for Smut" campaign drew in hundreds of students to UTSA's Sombrilla Plaza to cheer, protest or inquire about the event and to debate the role of religion in society.

The Atheist Agenda started at UTSA in 2005, and the group's first "Smut for Smut" campaign blew up into a national media sensation. Past President Thomas Jackson was flooded with interview requests and even debated Tucker Carlson, a conservative, on MSNBC.


1 comment:

k_lub said...

I love this. This is great. Even though I personally disagree with what they're teaching, I think dissent is always a good thing. It keeps the lines of dialogue open and it keeps people thinking. Hope the porn was good!