Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Texting to lose social skills?

NPR reported that daily texting among teens 12-17 has skyrocketed from 45% in 2004 to 75% , according to a new poll by Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project.

Fears circling excessive texting center on the break down of social skills, concentration in school and business/professional interaction. It worries some that young people feel more comfortable online that in person.

Personally, I don't think teens should get a cell phone until the get their driver's license. That eliminates the dependency on virtual communication until 16 and forces social skills upon them.

Click here to view the entire article.



JillianBezner said...

I agree with Caleb's opinion. I didn't get a cell phone until I was 16 and believe that I am able to competently have a conversation or write a paper. However, teenagers now seem to be able to do this less and less.

Also, smart phones are also adding to this problem, in my opinion. While they are a great tool for viewing news and being connected, they can also pull their owners away from real-world conversations. For example, my roommate will be in Facebook on her iPhone while at dinner with a group of us, while in a bar...anywhere, no matter who she's with. Sad.

allisonbirk said...

WHOOOOOO last blog comment for a grade ever.

This is a serious problem. Kids don't seem to value talking face-to-face.

I know Jill's comment is true too. Although I'm not her roommate, I too am "sad". I'm always facebookin' or Tweetin' wherever I am.

susanvictoria87 said...

I dont remember texting too much in high school, I'm pretty sure we still passed notes but I can see how this is affecting the younger generation. Honestly though it annoys me when people dont use decent grammar in texting.

Jeremy said...

I absolutely agree, but part of it I think also has to do with the younger generation just being completely less intelligent. Seriously, try and have an intelligent conversation with these people! You can't! I too notice, and despise, the improper grammar in e-mails, texts, etc. Once saw the word "just" abbreviated to "jus." Need I say anymore?

Hoorah for last blog comment!!