Monday, March 7, 2011

"Please stow all luggage and children in the overhead bin"

A strange game of peek-a-boo has one man out of a job in Australia.

After placing a 17-month-old boy in an overhead compartment of a plane operated by Virginia Blue, a flight attendant has lost his job. The airline has admitted that the incident occurred, however they claim that the boy and his father had been playing peek-a-boo and the flight attendant was just joining in the game.

The mother claims that the boy now suffers from anxiety and the airline company has began releasing statements about safety as a first priority after the mother complained. In order to calm the mother, the airline company has offered her free flights, but the mother has not taken them.


KarliJ said...

Not going to lie... I would totally take the free tickets!!!

Caitlyn Pesl said...

People are overly sensitive these days. Where was the mother when this was happening? She just saw dollar signs. Disgusting.