Tuesday, September 8, 2009

AIDS Awareness Video Uses Hitler as Analogy.

This company plans to use mass murders such as Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein and former Soviet dictator Josef Stalin to draw the analogy between mass murder and aids.

Hamburg-based public relations company das commitee sought a shock effect in making the video as awareness of the risks of the disease ebbs, said Hans Weishaeupl, the company’s art director. The 45-second clip shows a shadowy sex scene that rolls to a close depicting a grinning Hitler.

“The criticism’s unfair,” said Weishaeupl by phone from Hamburg today. “We’re not saying aids victims are mass murders but that the disease is.”

A lot of people are angry, understandably, but maybe they just are making the connection. This really has nothing to do with Hitler, except the part where he killed thousands of people, as does AIDS.

I think it is a great idea, it defiantly gets the point across! I think that shock is a great way to get people's attention. Also, I know that if i saw a Hitler look-a-like on a commercial I would want to know what it was about.

I hope that they don't cancel the ad because it is too controversial.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't believe this campagin will be successful. If they want to be controversial that's fine, but it also have to make sense.