Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mrs. Butterworth, Back in the Spotlight

NEW YORK: Pinnacle Foods, the makers of Mrs. Butterworth, has launched a campaign to get their iconic symbol back in the hearts of the public. The syrup company plans on revealing the characters previously unknown first name.

The Bender Hammer Group, hired by Pinnacle Foods, held a contest asking consumers to come up with Butterworth's first name and a reason for their guess.

The campaign was targeted mainly to mothers, trade media, food bloggers, Mommy bloggers, radio stations, and throughout Facebook and Twitter.

I think that Pinnacle Foods is targeting the most influential consumers in their market, which is the moms. Using social media as well as traditional media is an effective way to connect with customers and get them involved with a product.

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Unknown said...

Hello dears! I will reveal my first name on October 1st. To hear it as well as my thoughts and opinions on everything from pancakes to Kayne West, come visit me on Twitter http://bit.ly/fVYJw and Facebook http://bit.ly/fVYJw. I do hope to see you all soon! Tee hee!

Unknown said...

Whoopsie! Here is my Facebook:http://bit.ly/Gjlv2