Friday, September 18, 2009

Korean Financial-Services Firm Swims in Sea of White Space

Hyundai Card/Hyundai Capital bought up all the advertising space in a new subway station in South Korea. They also bought the space in three adjacent stations and most of it in four of the 16 trains serving the new subway line. The three-year deal cost $2.2 million.

What are they going to do with all that sapce you ask? Nothing, they are going to leave it mostly blank.

Inside the stations, giant wall signs are all white, except for a small icon that symbolizes one of the company's services, such as a car for car loans, plus a small company logo.

At the entrance and exits of the stations, the giant white panels have a pink eraser in the lower-right corner and a two-sentence explanation. "The world is flooded with too many ads," it says. "For a short while, we want to leave it empty for you."

I think this is a great idea. Even if they only do it for three years they are definalty making a statement. With all the advertising we are bombarded with on a daily bases, I can't imagine that being anything else but refreshing.

1 comment:

kandyce said...

I love the advertising approach Hyundai is taking! Subway systems are usually filled to the brim with advertisements; this will allow people's heads to not get so cluttered. Less is more, right? :)