Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Gamers Start Creative Grassroots Campaign


A month ago, Bioware released the final installment to their space opera trilogy Mass Effect. Much to their surprise, the game's ending caused a massive uproar among fans. Within 48 hours of the game's release, RetakeME3 was created on Facebook and Twitter. The group not only provided a place for thousands of gamers to discuss their disappointment (understatement), but also began the protest for a new ending.

In an effort to break the "whiny, entitled, basement-dweller" persona, the group began a charity drive for Child's Play, an organization focused on raising money to provide entertainment for children hospitals. The group quickly raised $80,000, but the drive was cut short when the organization pulled out. Their movement doesn't stop there. They quickly raised $1,000 to send 400 cupcakes to Bioware to illustrate their disappointment in the endings. If this isn't pleasantly persistent, I'm not sure what is. Cleverly, Bioware used the cupcakes to create good will when they donated them to a children's home. The movement continues to come up with creative ways to spread the word and let Bioware know they aren't going anywhere.

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