Monday, April 9, 2012

Instagram, Instant Fame

By: Staci De Leon

Facebook seems to be taking over the world, well maybe just the Instagram world. Monday morning Facebook and Instagram status updates revealed that Facebook will be taking over the 13 employee company. Facebook bought the two-year-old company for $1 billion, this comes just after Instagram gained more users by announcing an Android application.

Some users are ready to delete their Instagram accounts calling the company a sell-out. Was it a good move? It will depend on the new "photo sharing" features Facebook decided to make available to its users.

The heat users are giving Instagram can be understandable since Facebook seems to be doing a lot of network sharing; updating Facebook and Twitter at the same time with the same information, adding your Pinterest pins to your Facebook wall, etc.

Personally, the move seems illogical. I got Instagram to upload photos in a picture blog type of way, not to add them to my Facebook photos for all of those friends to see. Although technology and the internet are growing, I feel like having different social network accounts are a personal decision and should be kept separate from each other.

To read the full Huffington Post article click here.

1 comment:

Jacklynneh said...

This was very interesting, and it leaves me to wonder how Instagram basically became an over night success.

I read an article that said that the timing of Instatram is what lead to it "explosive rise".

I wonder how much the application will change now that Facebook is in control. It's a really neat gadget, so only time will tell us how much it will be altered!