Tuesday, April 10, 2012

YouTube Fame Could End Your Life

     In recent months, we have all seen videos about the cinnamon challenge and other games of that nature. While the idiotic thought of these types of games may seem funny to the viewer, they have proven to be very dangerous for the individuals that partake in the challenge itself.
     The cinnamon challenge in tells one to take a spoon full of sugar and eat it all without being able to wash it down with any water or any other beverage. Challengers usually do not complete the challenge entirely and when they do, the end up choking and coughing vigorously. Sometimes they even throw up. These challengers do not know that those small side effects are just the start of bigger complications that they are causing to their bodies such as lung collapse and pneumonia.
     Other dangerous challenges that have been broadcast all over YouTube and have been trending on Twitter are the Gallon Challenge (drink an entire gallon of milk without stopping), Chubby Bunny (how many full sized marshmallows you can fit in your mouth until you can no longer say "chubby bunny"), and the Choking Game (people cut off their oxygen supply in order to get the sensation of feeling high).
     I feel that these games are all ridiculous and they need to be stopped. I know that there is no way to stop people from doing things entirely, but I would hate for something tragic to happen before people stop doing things of this nature.



Jade Patek said...

I agree. I don't know know what people get out of doing those things, but it's definitely not worth losing your life over.

MacKenzie Baker said...

The cinnamon challenge is so ridiculous. Why risk your life over things so stupid.

Allison Baron said...

I totally agree that the life-risking ones are ridiculous, but my roommates and I did the "chubby bunny" challenge one night and it was hilarious. I guess one of us could have choked, but what are the chances? And of course, we would have NEVER YouTube broadcast it.