Monday, April 9, 2012

RIP Press Release?

Read Jonathan Rick's, Levick Strategic Communication director, article on Mashable here.

In this article Rick discusses how the traditional press release has been accurately labeled as a dying bread for the last ten years. This is because digital alternatives are now eclipsing the traditional press release.

He describes how big company names, such as Goggle and Dell have made big announcements via blog posts, or other online mediums in recent years.

He goes on to explain how smaller successful companies have also had success in "blog-centric" communications. The companies listed are Zillow, Patagonia, Innocent and Servint.

The four lessons that can be taken from these 4 companies success with virtual/digital style of breaking news (rather than a press release) are:
1. Keep it human
2. Passion and edginess benefit the message; they do NOT get in the way of it (this ones my favorite)
3. Entertaining customers is as important as informing them
4. Make it personal

I think all of these pointers are great things to note and keep in mind as we enter the field!


Morgan Wallace said...

This is really interesting because I was talking to a family friend who is in the PR field and she told me that I don't need to focus on writing press releases, it is all social media now and to focus on that.

Jonathan Rick said...

Hi Jacklynneh -

Thanks for the post and summary.

An interesting footnote: yesterday, Facebook announced that it was buying Instagram. It didn’t break the news the traditional way—via press release, written in a voice-of-God tone—but via a first-person Facebook post from its CEO. Ditto for Instagram, whose CEO penned a post that began, “When Mike and I started Instagram nearly two years ago.”