Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How To Be Popular At Work

Geoffrey James of Inc.com says that if you want to be appreciated at work, make sure everyone else feels welcome.Whenever people gather in any social setting, there is always one person who becomes the primary center of attention. People want to be around that person, and unconsciously seek his or her approval. Building rapport with people immediately after meeting them is a good way to become the popular person among your colleagues. While rapport building comes naturally to some, however, it is a mistake to believe that its something that can’t be consciously developed. Rapport building, like all human relationship skills, can be learned and taught. Sharing common experiences is not always so clear cut. For instance, having a conversation with somebody about sports is simple yet not always effective, because first of all they may not even like sports, and even if they do it's a conversation they can have with mostly anybody. According to Taylor, it's far more effective, when you meet somebody for the first time, to visualize that person as an honored guest in your home. If you’re like most people, when you welcome guests into your home, you are glad to see them and want them feel welcome and at ease. the best thing to do when meeting somebody or engaging in conversation is to appear genuinely interested in whatever they are talking about, this makes them feel welcome and comfortable, as well as ensures they have a positive view of you.


MacKenzie Baker said...

This is very interesting!

Brandon Toussant said...

I totally agree!!!

Lauren Clark said...

This is so true! I can definitely relate personal situations to everything that was said.