Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Siri takes a star turn

Apple has shifted its marketing strategy by using a new approach to highlight the iPhone 4S's star feature, Siri. Instead of promoting the personal assistant as a business tool for scheduling appointments and avoiding traffic, Apple is pitching Siri as your friend you can have fun with.

Apple's most recent TV ads feature Zoey Deschanel and Samuel L. Jackson hanging out with Siri and communicating with her as if she were one of their buddies.

I think the shift in Apple's marketing strategy hightlights one of the main reasons Apple remains the leader in its market. Apple is consistently finding new and inventive ways to utilize its products. Apple understands how to keep its target audience interested and entertained while still managing to provide its consumers with useful information. I think that is what sets Apple apart from its competitors.

Many times other smartphone commercials are annoying and get old really fast. The article compares Apple's approach to smartphone marketing with Nokia's advertisement for the Lumia 900 in Russia. Lumia 900's marketing approach uses sex to sell, which in my opinion is a cheap move. I think the iPhone's most recent commercial with Zooey Deschanel and Samuel L. Jackson is quirky, original and effective. To read the article and watch the advertisements go to http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2012/04/17/siri-takes-a-star-turn/?iid=T_Blogs.


Brandon Toussant said...

I think Apple's new approach is pretty neat and more adaptable to people who won the smartphone.

Jcalhoun said...

I agree.. Apple seems to be making the most moves in technology lately.

blakegoogle12 said...

Agreed. Apple seems to lead the way for innovation in corporate America.

rseay512 said...

Nice approach, Apple. I love asking Siri if she will marry me.