Thursday, September 30, 2010

Facebook wants to stay friends

On Friday, Sept. 24, CEO and co-founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg appeared on Oprah to reveal a big announcement-- his plan to donate $100 million to the Newark, New Jersey school system.

While his philanthropic announcement was praised by many, Zuckerberg and Facebook have received criticism due to the timing of the announcement.

This week, the film "The Social Network" will open in theaters around the world. According to many film reviewers, the movie portrays Zuckerberg in a negative light. Because of this, New York Magazine calls Zuckerberg's announcement "the PR move of the month."

I believe that Facebook definitely planned the announcement of the donation to coincide with the release of the movie. In another article, Zuckerberg states that he has been planning the donation for months, and planned to donate anonymously, but said that he was later convinced to make his donation public.

You can find the articles here and here.


OliviaTapley said...

I need to watch the Oprah episode online. I want to see the movie too! It looks good!

Hillary said...

I want to see the movie to see exactly what the beginning of facebook was all about. I think it is akward timing to announce the donation but at the same time he's a billionaire, they don't think about those things.

Anonymous said...

Even if he is being seen in a negative light in the film, the movie is getting rave reviews from all my friends. Also, so what if he donanted money to make himself look better...the man gave money away; it's a win win here.