Monday, October 4, 2010

LinkedIn's New Feature

LinkedIn is helping those who have graduated from college find a job. It is launching Career Explorer, the new job-finding feature that will be out soon to 60 US universities. With this new feature students can surf through various career paths based on school, level of education and dream industry. These are the different purposes one can use it for:

  • To map out career paths. Said career paths are tailored based on your work interests and take the paths of established professionals into account. You can also create and save a bunch of different paths.
  • Find connections. This is what LinkedIn specializes in, so it seems a natural addition.
  • Learn about your desired job. The site will give you stats like average age of folks with the position you want, as well as geographic distribution.
  • Find job openings and recommend people in your network to hit up for help.
  • Suggest companies to follow. This functionality was introduced in April, but will likely be very key for recent grads looking to see when positions open up.
  • find story here

1 comment:

Tisha said...

This is pretty awesome! One thing many soon-to-be grads are scared of is not knowing what direction to go with their degrees. I hope to find this new service from LinkedIn helpful.