Sunday, October 31, 2010

How popular is 3D?

Avatar raised the bar for 3D movies, a bar that other movies just aren't reaching. Many movies end up having less than perfect 3D work done, which in turn, lets down movie seers. In addition, these movies also have very little in their script to make them 3D worthy. An example of this would be the new Jackass movie which has different stunts where things are "thrown" at the viewer where as G-Force did not have much, if any, reason to become 3D.

Another factor coming into play is the glasses required to watched one of these movies. The chance of eye infections (if the glasses are not individually wrapped) has increased as more movies come out. One is relying on the cinema workers to do a trustworthy job of disinfecting used glasses or in some cases, wiping off the viewing contraption.

But don't worry, the newest Harry Potter movie will not be released in 3D as originally planned. Apparently, there was not enough time to add in all the special features needed for this, of which I can say I'm glad.

To read the article, click here

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