Thursday, October 14, 2010

Feds may be checking out your Facebook profile

The government may now be trying to "friend" you on Facebook in order to look into your life. The two main groups that were mentioned are people trying to get U.S. citizenship and group interests. With the citizenship, the government is wants to make sure that applications actually portrays the applicant's life. The group interests go back to President Obama's inauguration in 2009 when the Department of Defense was trying to monitor different groups to prevent an attack on the president. Check out the story here

This just goes back to what we have been told - be careful what you put on the Internet and who you friend/follow.


Matt.Fronda said...

I liked this blog alot. I think that many people have been completely negligent about what they are putting online. Facebook, because it was a place where only college students were, has this feeling of being safer than it is. People should pay attention to what they are putting out about themselves.

Maureen Dennis Schein said...

Truly, I love the transparency that all these social sites and blogs, etc. allow us to have. If we have nothing to hide in our lives, then they make outstanding communication avenues for us. Rounding up a hundred (or just 20) of my closest friends (ha!) for a little chat about my latest test score isn't something I ever envisioned being possible. But now, if I want to do that, I can. Strange, indeed.
But, the question does remain about just HOW transparent we should be. Make some decisions about your life and/or your career, and just how detailed you want your transparency and stick with it. Then the government, or anyone else, will have a hard time finding something that might be embarrassing to you.

jaclyn perry said...

I think this blog is interesting. It is crazy to think that the government could be checking out our Facebook but that is the way social media works. It just means that people need to be a little more careful about what we post but we should be anyways.

Hillary said...

I think its pretty depressing that the Feds are trying so hard to be in our lives that they are doing it through Facebook. I see where they might want to investigate those 2 main groups being looked into but do they have to do it through social media? Do they not have anything better to do? I think it is one thing to censor yourself on your own terms because of job searching and other factors, but not because we are being hawked by the government.