Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Research: The Key to Your Next Job Interview

A recent article on showed the importance of researching a company prior to interviewing. According to the article, knowing details about the company will be beneficial during the interview process.
It is important that you research beyond what it is available on the company's website. The website is important, but there are several research tools that should be utilized. Reading the company's press releases, following top employees on Twitter, and doing informational interviews with past and current employees are just some of the ways that you can further research a company. Once the interview comes around you can show your knowledge and interest in the company. This could give you an advantage against other candidates.

1 comment:

Megan Moede said...

This actually helped me in getting another interview in the process of obtaining an internship. I think if employers think you care enough to look beforehand, you'll probably take a lot of pride and care in your work, too. That link was pretty helpful, also.