Monday, October 4, 2010

Twitter Launches Promoted Tweets

Twitter is making there version of Facebook's recommendations and sponsors. Twitter already has "Who to Follow" based on who you are already following. Now if you are following a certain brand or company you might have a 'promoted' twitter handle appear in that "Who to Follow" box. Twitter officially launched the promoted tweets today but they are still in the "testing phase" so only a few companies will have their accounts promoted.

It doesn't specify how the "handful of companies" will be chosen. PR practitioners will have to keep watch on how they can get their company as a "promoted tweet" or suggestion to possible costumers.

Personally I don't mind the suggestions to follow a certain company. It doesn't seems as in your face as Facebook's application does.

Here's the article on Mashable


Lora Collins said...

I think its helpful to get suggestions on twitter. There are already many articles telling users to be careful who they follow and the top ten people to follow. Being told who might help.

HillaryTill said...

I think that suggestions for following people can help but not for brands. We already know what we like and if we like it then we're following it.