Monday, February 7, 2011

AOL is Alive and Kicking

If you're like me, you thought AOL died along with broad band connections years ago. However, its new acquisition of the Huffington Post has proved that they are very much alive. With Huffington Post's innovative use of social media as a news outlet, AOL has proved it knows how to evolve and make strategic moves to benefit the company.

HuffPo was founded in 2005 and from the start utilized social media. It has been the poster child for how a media-based company should evolve with social trends. This is probably the reason why the co-founder and editor-in-chief of HuffPo will be named the president and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post Media Group, which will include all Huffington Post and AOL content.

This acquisition didn't come cheap. AOL will spend $315 million on the deal, but the strategic move should prove to be very beneficial. This should serve as a reminder to everyone that staying with the social trends is not only important but necessary to keep your business alive.

1 comment:

Allison Sheffield said...

AOL! I still have AOL! haha