Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who is stalking your house?

"Gone for vaca.. Be back next week!" "Out to dinner". Any of these statuses sound familiar your house may be the next one robbed. 78 % of burglars said Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare lets them know who is out and what properties are prefect for a robbery. Google Street View shows if anyone is home.

A convicted burglar even said that people are just inviting them to their houses.

So now the next question is, what can social media do to protect the consumers?



Stephanie Rohlfs said...

This is extremely scary. I for one refuse to put my address on Facebook and I always turn the location option off on Twitter. Even with this precautions I feel that I still need to be even more careful when it comes to my location. Social media is a great tool for networking and keeping tabs with friends and family, but to think of how much information we actually make available to the world and what people can do with it is a little scary.

Jesse said...

When my friends tag me at certain locations it always weirds me out a bit. On occasion where you're somewhere really cool is fine by me, but not all the time! And it's too much info anyway, no one cares. Well, the robbers care.

Heather Reid said...

I've thought about that several times. Why would you want the whole world to know that your house is left unattended?

carolyn_crawford said...

People have to be more careful about what they're willing to disclose on the Internet. I hate being "checked-in" on Facebook by my friends when I know the house is empty.