"It's possible that Facebook changes the way our brains are wired," suggests Nidhi Subbaraman at Fast Company. "But the more likely explanation is that people who acquire more Facebook friends have brains that came equipped with better friend-making tools in the first place."
Okay, so maybe it's just a coincidence, however while many researchers are spending time trying to prove why the internet is bad for us and causing negative effects on our brains, it's nice to know some are out there trying to justify the good it could be doing.
Even though there is a slight correlation, don't worry about upping the friend list to try growing some brain power. Too many unnecessary Facebook "friends" will probably just lead to a long, boring news feed, and a big head.
Carolyn C
Story Source: Yahoo! News : "Does Facebook make yours brain bigger?"
By: The Week's Editorial Staff
Image Sources: Google Image Search
Not really sure I believe a thing in this article. Seems a little backwards to me. People who spend more time on Facebook making friends are spending less time out in the real world making connections. Making a friend on FB is as easy as pressing a button, it takes more time, effort and skill to build real relationships.
Reminds me of the 'Don't be a social media douche' lecture.
I definitely don't think that people with more friends on Facebook are more social than those with fewer friends. I know I limit who can be my friend on Facebook because I don't want to just add everyone who I know to be able to see all about me.
This makes sense to me. I spend little time on Facebook and have little friends on it, yet spend much time with great friends and feel more connected. It seems like the people who spend so much time on Facebook need more attention than those who do not, and therefore would feed off a bigger friends list.
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