Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs remembered on Twitter

Steve Jobs death Wednesday night prompted people around the world to share their thoughts about Jobs, Apple and the products they use daily on multiple social media outlets.

Many on Twitter were retweeting the message "RT if you’re touching an Apple product", and one article read that the amount of messages on Twitter "appeared to dwarf any news ever chronicled on the micro-blogging site". While 'RIP Steve Jobs', '#iSad', '#ThankYouSteve' and other quotes from Jobs lead the Twitter trends currently, we should see soon if Steve Job's death becomes the new most tweeted about event.

The scope of Jobs's impact is nearly immeasurable. Nearly everyone has at some point used an Apple product, and many would claim they can't live without an Apple product they carry on them at all times.

As a side note, my favorite Twitter post through all of this was the (always classy) Westboro Church's Margie Phelp's multiple posts about how terrible Steve Jobs was as a person. The numerous tweets were all sent via the Twitter app from her iPhone.

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