Saturday, September 10, 2011

Social Media helps commemorate the 10th anniversary of 9/11

This Sunday marks the 10th anniversary of September 11th, a day that no one in this country will ever forgot. To help commemorate the 10th anniversary the New York Times and Youtube are coming together to create one of the biggest multimedia packages online. The New York Times and Youtube are asking everyone to tell their story on how 9/11 has impacted their lives using a tool called Storyful. The Times social media editor, Alexis Mainland said, "The range of what we’ve gotten has already exceeded my expectations. I didn’t think we’d get such a variety of people: old people, young people, people of varying backgrounds."

Since this event touched everyone in some way, people around the globe are full of emotions and remembrance of this tragic event, which is promoting discussions. This is an opportunity for news stations to inform, engage and thanks to social media, listen to the public.

Since social media is such a prominent tool in today's world, using it for this memorable event is a great idea. I think this is an awesome way to commemorate the 10th anniversary of 9/11 because it is giving real people the opportunity to share with the world how the tragic events of 9/11 affected them personally.

1 comment:

Sarah Simington said...

I agree. Like I said in class, 9/11 was such a huge day for Americans. I was 11 years old and didn't even know what the Twin Towers were, but I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news. Using social media to remember that day and those lost is a great way to unify our generation.