Monday, November 8, 2010

Hey, even the president is doing it.

In late Oct., The Nation reported that press secretary, Robert Gibbs, would be taking Twitter for the first question in the White House briefing. This is very nontraditional, considering the first question is usually given to wire service reporter, and then to big named journalist and newspapers. Gibbs used the hashtag "#1q" to collect the different question from the public. Within an hour of the announcement "#1q" was collecting several hits. The idea is that everyone can see all the questions being asked, and therefore can see if Gibbs picks an easy question.

It was later clarified that the question would be answered in an online video, and not at the actual podium address itself. They also stated that answering citizen questions would occur on a regular basis


Hillary said...

Does not suprise me one bit. I feel like Twitter has taken over the world!

Megan Moede said...

I think that this is a cool opportunity for the "little guy" to get their voice heard.