Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wedding Day Social Media Etiquette

Blue Nile launched the Ring it. Sing it.  online contest earlier this month. Eleven contestants can win a personalized song and an Infinity Love Knot, and one grand prize winner will receive a proposal in New York City, (airfare and hotel included,) plus a Blue Nile diamond engagement ring. The deadline to enter is Tuesday, Nov. 16. The online jewelry retailer also sponsored Mashable's Wedding Tech Series.

I found this information while browsing a story that caught my attention in the Wedding Tech Series called: HOW TO: Tastefully Use Social Media at Your Wedding. This entry gives everything from inappropriate times to be tweeting and facebooking to other innovative ways of incorporating social media for those of us that just can't seem to stop. I highly recommend this blog to anyone that loves social media, and definitely bookmarked it for myself.


Megan Moede said...

This post was so interesting. I didn't even think there was etiquette for this, but I guess since it's so incorporated in our society we have to continually refine our standards.

Thanks for the post!

Caroline Keaveny said...

This is interesting. I don't think I want to have someone tweeting about my wedding.
I do like the idea of having it stream but only for those that have a password to view the wedding if they cannot make it (I want to have a destination wedding.... one day).

jaclyn perry said...

I agree with Caroline on the live stream idea. It would be a great idea if you have family/friends who can't make it.