Monday, November 22, 2010

U.S. Post Office Goes Green for Christmas

The Postal Service is making changes to save the environment and money.

USPS offers environmentally friendly packaging in the design of both their Priority Mail and Express Mail supplies, and a majority of ReadyPost boxes, envelopes and labels..

All their 27 billion postage products, including stamps, personalized envelopes and stamped postal cards, are now certified to be safe and environmentally responsible.

Customers can order free online shipping that can be pick up and delivered by the Postal Service the next day. Even the trucks use alternative fuels like electric vehicles and zero emissions. They also have trucks fueled by natural gas, propane, ethanol, and fuel cell.

The Postal Service also supports recycling with bins in more than 10,000 Post Office lobbies.

It is good to hear that USPS is green-washing too. I hope this trend continues to spread.


Anonymous said...

You know with all this green awareness I would really love to see some numbers. Are we making a difference yet?

Kim Gandy said...

The holidays seem to be the only time of the year the post office is not struggling. I wonder what this green change is costing. But it's about time government businesses became more environmentally conscience!