Monday, November 1, 2010

"McRib is Here!"

I couldn't resist. After our lengthy discussion on the WSJ article in class about it, I had to let you know that the McRib is in the little town of Startzville, on the south side of Canyon Lake. However, it has not yet been posted to the McRib Locator website, and I'm not going to be the first to announce that the high-sodium, questionable content, sandwich has been once again revealed in this little town!
After doing a little research online, I noticed something I didn't know, and probably didn't need to know: McDonald's has some serious Internet marketing going on. I suppose you could even like them on FB, if you were to look that far. Eegads, then what would you see pop up daily on your page?
Just for fun . . .


Megan Moede said...

This is so gross. I can't believe people eat that thing.

jaclyn perry said...

I think it will be interesting so see when this thing is released nationally how desirable it will be. I think some of it's appeal is in the elusiveness.

OliviaTapley said...

I saw the commercial yesterday! They looked very messy to eat.